Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(My idea of what Xavier looks like, actor Keith Cobb------->)


The front wheels of my truck bumped the concrete parking guard in my designated spot at the station house parking lot at 8 a.m. sharp. I had spent all night thinking about what I had seen in the sleep room and what the chief had explained to me. And I realized that maybe I was making too big a deal out of the entire situation. Had I not been concerned about the fact that they may not accept my sexual orientation? Didn't  I fantasize about all them from the moment I laid eyes on them? So now that I know what I know, I hope that it won't be awkward working with them because I made the decision to stay with this prestigious company. I could really make my career here, and i wanted to stick it to my stucked up brother who thought that the little fairy would never make it in a man's job. Well if he only knew what the infamous Ladder 29 crew where up to in their station house, he would shit himself.

But, in my heart of hearts, and although I think they are all gorgeous, I don't see myself getting into the mix with all of them like that. Now if it was Xavier maybe, if it was the chief then definitely. But he had explained from the get go that he doesn't get involved with any of the men sexually, ever snce that ass, Kelly. From the moment I heard that man's voice, It has always been the chief for me, even before I ever laid eyes on the man. I have never been the promiscuous type, my sexual encounters have always been someone I was in a relationship with. Not that the two boyfriends I have had would put me up there on the experience ladder. These guys were sharing each other. I don't think any of them were an actual couple, but I don't know anything for sure, I just sort of stumbled onto them. So again, I had to pull up my big boy pants and try to keep the big boys out of them....haha, I kill myself.

I took a deep fortifying breath and stepped out of my truck and closed the door. I used the key fob to set the alarm and I head straight for the big man's office. Not one foot in the door, Christy looked up and gave me one of her bubbly smiles. "If you are looking for Garrison, he is in the dining room, breakfast time. He high tailed it outta here this morning, it's chocolate chip pancakes today, if you want any you better hurry."

"Thanks." I smiled at her and gave her a jaunty little salute before spinning on my heel and heading towards the other side of the station. I swallowed my nerves and prayed for the best. The closer I got was the more my stomach rumbled.  I was starving, and the aromas of fresh brewed coffee and sizzling bacon were enough to make my mouth water, much or less the sweet smell of pancakes. I came to stop in the doorway of dining room, and at first the guys didn't notice me fidgeting there. It was until Xavier looked up from his plate, his cheeks stuffed with food. He raised his hand and tried to say something but quickly closed it to prevent his food from falling out and waved at me instead. And just like that eight pairs of eyes snapped in my direction and the room went eerily quiet. Then Robbie jumped up and rushed me like I just came home from war or something, he pulled me into the room and plunked me down in the seat next to his own. And almost instantly a loaded plate of food landed in front of me and the chatter resumed. Everyone seemed to carry on like nothing of importance happened and I sighed in relief and happily tucked into my food.

I nearly choked in a piece of bacon when I looked across the table and my eyes made contact with the smouldering green gaze of the chief. He nodded his head at me and went back to his conversation with Xavier. I watched as he laughed at something his first in command said, and my cock jerked in my uniform cargo pants. And in my head, my inner gay boy was sprawled across a divan, he had on pink frilly garters and Victoria was spilling all of his Secrets in a barely there negligee. A pick feather boa hung loosely around his neck as he purred like a hussy in heat. I had to clamp my thighs together trying to control my naughty dick from making it's presence known. i quickly dropped my eyes when the cheif's gaze again found mine. I needed to find some way to stop staring st the man like he was prime USDA beefcake, but my eyes were not listening to me at all.

The Rookie (manxmen)**Hothouse Book 1**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang