A story about Turtles

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Somewhere, deep under the waves, a whole new world! This beautiful crystal clear water, exotic plants, and brightly colored shells and rocks was the first thing Emmert saw when he opened his eyes.

Emmert was a sea turtle, and he lived in one of the most colorful and exciting places ever. He was so proud of his home. He would swim about, blow bubbles at the octopuses, play tag with colorful fish, ride the currents with stingrays and sleep with all the other turtles. As time went on, Emmert grew older and bigger, and soon found himself in love. He and his new wife, Cora, couldn't think of anywhere else they would want to rais a family, so they stayed in Emmert's little cove.

Over the years, the turtles had many babies and even grandbabies. Most went off to find new places to live, and the little family grew and spread. at the same time, however, something much less magical was happening. Their little cove was becoming a little dirtier, and little darker, and a little bit more dangerous. Plastic shopping bags posed a threat if you swam into one, bottle rings became a snare and oil covers some of the outer layers of coral. But Emmert didn't notice. He still saw the beautiful home he had been so proud of.

Cora was not as nieve as Emmert, she wanted to go somewhere new and safer. But she stayed, for Emmert. one day, tragedy struck. Cora, when looking for some lunch, instead found a plastic drinking straw. It when though her upper lip, and was stuck. She could still live, still be herself, but not here. She said she was sorry, she really was, but she couldn't do it anymore. Emmert asked her to stay, but she refused. Emmert was all alone.

More time passed, and the cove grew darker, and dirtier, and more full of traps. Finally, the end had come for Emmert. All through his life, he had been proud of his beautiful home. But, at the end, he finally realized what his home, his precious cove, had become. He saw all the trash, the plastic, the traps, and the snares. He saw the water, its once clear blue turned thick grey. He saw his coral, turned black and brittle, and he saw his own life, dark and lonely. As the end drew nearer, one lone tear slipped down Emmert's cheek, and it was all over.

Sorry for the sad ending, but we need to feel sad. That is the only way changes will be accomplished. We need to stand up for these poor creatures. One way is to cut down on plastic. Skip the straw, or if you need one, would you please consider buying a reusable straw? Together, let's bring change! 

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