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"Don't do this please," Rye bit his lip, "I know it's wrong and I shouldn't but- but it's Brook-"

"You don't have to explain yourself, I know you already know you're an idiot," Mikey chuckled, "how did you not tell anyone though?"

He shrugged, "it was hard. Andy keeps trying to get it out of me, but I know he'd kick off if I told him, not to mention Brooklyn, he'd murder me!"

"So it's him that wants to keep it a secret?"

Rye nodded, "did you ever think it'd be me?"

Mikey shook his head.

Rye sighed, "you won't tell anyone, right?"

"Of course not," he shook his head, "but i feel like i should reassure Brooklyn of that..."

"Thanks," Rye nodded, and Mikey grabbed his phone to make a call.

"What do you want?" Brooklyn answered.

"To tell you i'm not gonna say anything to anybody," Mikey said slowly.

"Good," Brook sighed, "are you still with him?"

"I'm in his but he can't hear me."

"Should i be doing this...?"

"Probably not but you both seem happy again so, y'know..."

"Yeah?" Brooklyn sighed, "i am happy again, i just- he hurt me and i'm not ready to be- to be vulnerable like that again..."

Mikey nodded, though he knew Brooklyn couldn't see him, "i get that. Have you talked to him about it?"

"What do you think?" he chuckled.

"Fair enough, but you probably need to," he raised a brow.

"I know..." he sighed, "i will at some point, i promise..."


"I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Yup," he nodded, "see you soon!"


"Was he okay?" Rye asked the second Mikey was back in the room.

"Yeah, fine," he chuckled.

"He's not gonna end things, is he?"

"Didn't sound like it," Mikey raised a brow, "you think he'd end it because i found out?

Rye nodded, and Mikey just pulled him into a hug.


Next chapter will be a proper one

Bedroom Floor - Rylyn (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now