Chapter 1

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The cold, harsh air brushed my hair to the side as I walked down the street. Goosebumps popped onto my skin, and my arms shivered along with them. The sound of engines rumbled to my right, making it almost impossible to hear my music. I continued walking. Step by step. My feet splashed in the puddles that littered the sidewalk, making my socks soaking wet. My footsteps were accompanied by squelches in my shoes. I pulled my hand out of my pockets and reached up to my earphones. I pressed them in more, trying to hear the music. I turned a corner, almost bumping into a civilian, and kept walking. I felt raindrops hit my head, making me walk a bit faster to try and get out of the soon to be pouring rain. I turned again, going through an opened gate, passing by more people. I saw the building up ahead, and so I picked up the pace even more. I pushed the door open and walked inside, just as it started to pour down outside. I was welcomed to the warm heat of the room. I took off my hoodie and straightened my hair, then took off my backpack. I put it down on a table, then sat on the chair beside it. I looked around the room. People walked around, talking and laughing to each other about who knows what. Suddenly everyone sat down and looked towards the door. I turned to face the door myself. A woman walked in. She was in her late 40's, slightly curvy brown hair and brown eyes. She had a handbag strap hanging onto her shoulder. She walked in between tables until she got to her desk. She took off her cool black sunglasses and looked at us as she sat down.

"Good morning everyone." She said with a smile.

"Good morning Mrs May." Everyone said in unison.

She looked on her desk, lifting up books and shoving aside papers.

She frowned and raised the corner of her lip in semi-frustration. "Class, where's the roll call?" She asked us all.

We all looked around the room. We lifted papers and moved things around, and still couldn't find anything.

"Ms May?" A voice called from the door. I looked over. A girl stranded in the middle of the doorway. She had straight brown hair, eyes as blue as the ocean and the perfect smile. She was wearing school uniform, yet for some reason had a jumper tied around her waist. Her right arm was suspended in the air, and in her hand was a plastic folder with a roll call inside. "You left the roll call in the teachers lounge. Mr. Warren gave it to me on his way out."

Ms. May smiled as she got out of her seat. She walked over to the girl. The girl passed the roll call to her. "Thank you very much." Ms. May thanked. The girl walked behind me, and sat down in her seat, putting her bag next to her legs.

The teacher was in front of the whiteboard holding the roll call. "Let us start." She looked at it with her reading classes. "Luke?"

"Here!" A boy called.



The teacher kept calling names and students replied, then she got to me. I always hate having to respond because I'm always afraid of getting a voice crack or something.


Ms. May looked at me as she called my name. I looked back and said, "Here."

She called the next name. I sighed in relief. Nothing embarrassing.

"Jed?" She called out. No reply. She marked something down on her roll.

"Elle Jane?"

I looked over at the girl I saw in the doorway minutes before. She looked at May with disappointed and slightly embarrassed eyes. "Ms. May, I told you to call me EJ." She told her.

May nodded. "Very well, sorry."

A minute or so later, May finished reading out the roll call. A loud blaring sound echoed throughout the school halls. I picked up my bag and waved goodbye to Ms.May. I exited the classroom, unzipping my bag at the same time. I pulled out a sheet. There was a table graph. On the left were times and dates. Next to that on the right was a line, then words and names of classes. At the top, below Home Group, was the word Science, 9:35 AM. I folded the sheet up, and walked down the hallway.

I arrived one minute late to the class. I walked through the door, and luckily everyone was only just starting. I quickly took a seat and got out my Science book.


"God that class was boring." I said to myself as I exited the class. I walked down the hall, making my way to the closest door outside. The bell for recess sounded and kids rushed outside. I followed them out of the building and to the yard. I quickly sat down on a bench and took out my recess.

Minutes passed by the time I finished eating. I wiped the crumbs off my shirt then took out a book from my bag. I opened it to the bookmarked page and started reading.

"Valkyrie!" Skulduggery shouted. He threw a massive fireball into the Grotesquery. It's bandages erupted in flames and it scream in anq—"


I looked up. A girl stranded there. She had blonde hair, and surprisingly, green eyes. She had a fur scarf around her neck, the prickles of fur waving in the cool wind. In her hand was her bag, a book hanging out the top.

"May I sit down, please?" She asked politely.

I gestured to the empty spot on the bench next to me. "Yeah of course."

She slightly giggled. "Thanks."

She took a seat next to me and put her bag in front of her feet. She pulled out the book and started reading. I took a look at what book it was.

The Maze Runner

"You like James Dashner?" I asked her.

She flipped the book to see the cover. "Oh yeah. I love his books." She replied.

I nodded. "Cool."

She turned to me and politely smiled. She stuck her hand out. "I'm Lauryn, by the way."

I smiled back, and put my hand into hers and shook. "Peter. Peter Perrin."

"Nice to meet you." She said.

Recess ended after a few minutes of silence.. not awkward silence.. we were reading our books and that's why.


The rest of the day went by in a flash. I saw Lauryn here and there, and we talked while we could before we had to go to our next class. Lauryn's a really nice person. I saw her help pick up books for a young boy who tripped and dropped everything.

My Very Own TeleShipOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant