Chapter 14 ~A Dragon!?~

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The Chapter starts with Albion, Zarin, Alexandra, Talia, Danos, Zora, Sora, and Soul standing in a massive open field, all of them looking at each other with slightly confused yet serious expressions, Zarin looking ahead with a similarly serious expression on his face.

A few moments then pass before Sora breaks the silence, speaking to Zarin with a similarly confused yet serious tone of voice.

"Why did you bring us here?"

Zarin quickly responds in the same serious tone of voice.

"I'll admit mostly because of a hunch"

Everyone immediately takes on even more confused and slightly aggravated expressions as Zarin continues.

"Everytime that black aura shows up and something attacks us it's always when the strongest people are around"

Zora quickly responds with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice.

"What about the dozens of reported incidence across the kingdom?"

Zarin looks back at Zora before quickly responding.

"And I bet most of those reports came from large, highly populated cities am I right?"

Zora's eyes go wide slightly as she gives a face of realization before standing down, giving a slightly defeated expression as she does this, Zarin continuing a moment afterwards.

"It always happens when there's a large accumulation of power. For instance not only did the aura show up when us and all of the generals were there, but two did"

"So, with most of the strongest people in the kingdom in one place I'm hoping another one appears"

Danos responds quickly after with a slightly weary and still serious tone of voice, crossing his arms as he does this.

"And what if it doesn't?"

Zarin immediately responds with the same serious and blunt tone of voice.

"Then we go back and brainstorm"

Albion responds a moment afterwards with a slightly confused and curious tone of voice.

"So then what do we do now?"

Zarin pauses for a moment before looking back at Albion and responding.

"We wait"

The scene then cuts a moment afterwards to several hours later, the sky diming slightly with Zarin sitting in the same spot he was standing before, Alexadra, Talia, Danos, and Sora sitting in a circle off to the side playing some sort of card game with Albion sleeping on a random log, Zora sitting next to him with an impatient and board expression on her face.

Yet another few moments then pass before the scene cuts to show Alexandra, Talia, Danos, and Sora once again as Talia places down the last card in her hand with an innocent and excited smile on her face, Sora throwing his cards down as Danos, Alexandra, and Sora all give disappointed and slightly annoyed expressions, Talia speaking in a similarly innocent and excited tone of voice as they do this.

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