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Brigit learned that animals loved her very quickly.  When she was still in her cot, as a baby, her parents would frequently find small animals in her bed.  Chipmunks, squirrels, and other wood animals.  When Brigit was five, she found a fox had followed her home.  Her parents allowed her to keep the fox and Brigit named her Sionnach.  Brigits parents were very careful to make sure that no dangerous animals came up to Brigit.  They slipped potions in her Orange Juice that repelled creatures such as werewolves, dragons, giants, and other dangerous animals.  They did find her with a hypogryff one day however and they permitted her to fix the poor things wing.  The hypogryff stayed in the tree in the backyard ever since.  He nested there and never brought home any ladies, which Aisling Donn thought was very considerate.  Braden and Aisling Donn were always very protective of Brigit, as she was their first and only child.  They planned on sending her to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when she became of age, but once they learned of her affinity for mischeif and animals, they didnt want her out of their sight.  They were very protective and Brigit thought that it was fine.  She didnt want to go anywhere either.  She had all over her friends here and her parents.  She didnt want to leave her family cottage that sat just outside of the woods.  She loved waking up with a couple deer in her window and a bear waiting for her on the front step.  She didnt want to be anywhere else.  Aisling and Braden hid her very well.  Magical Children are not allowed to be homeschooled, for fear of injuring someone or themselves in a non-magical environment.  Because of this Aisling and Braden put wards on their house.  Everynight, after Brigit went to bed.  It worked for keeping out strangers and magicfolk, but it did not stop the animals that wanted to hangout with Brigit.  Brigit never asked for any pets, because she didnt like to see them chained up.  She also didnt ask to go out, to school or to the park, because she would just climb on her stag friend and go for a ride.  Sometimes he would bring her to the centaurs that taught her about the stars and planets. Othertimes he would bring her to the Merfolk that taught her about the different underwater plants that grew near their colonies.  She picked up quite quickly on Merfolkish and one day she tried to talk to the family goldfish in merfolkish but she just spooked the poor thing.  Everything was going well for the Donn family until Brigits 15th birthday.  Aisling had decided it was about time for some new books for Brigit to learn from, and Braden wanted to get Brigit her own Owl and her own wand, seeing as she had been using Aislings or Bradens up until this point.  So the trio planned a trip to Diagon Alley.  It was Brigits first time at Diagon Alley.  Her parents used to bring her to Hogsmeade but they said that that was too close to Hogwarts. They went during the rush of everyone getting their letters, and picking up school supplies.  Sionnach was fitted into her leather harness and she climbed onto Brigits shoulder.  Sionnach didnt leave Brigits side during the side apparation either. Mainly because the poor fox didnt particularly like apparating but whatever gets the job done.  

"Alright Brigit.  Do you want to go to Flourish and Blotts, Olivanders, or Eeylops Owl Emporium first?"  Braden asked excitedly.

"Braden, I dont think we should bring her into the Owl Emporium." Aisling said with a pained smile on her face. "Do you think we would be able to leave without purchasing all of the owls?"  

Bradens smile faded quickly but lit up again. 

"Your mums right. Brigit go with your mother to the other shops.  I will get you and owl."  Braden ran into the crowd.  Aislings laugh followed him.

"Sionnach is more tame than your father Brigit." Aisling muttered to her daughter.  Brigit laughed.

"Mum when do I get to go to school?"  Brigit asked curiously.

"Brigit. We dont want you going to school because we dont want you to get hurt."  Aisling explained while the duo made their way through the crowd towards Flourish and Blotts. 

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