Chapter 17 Airport and Katniss

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Peeta POV

So my mom dropped us off at the airport and we're trying to find out where our flight is.

"Peeta, did I ever tell you I'm afraid of flying?" she says holding my hand tightly. I turn and give her a confused look.

"What? Really? Its not that bad, trust me." I say as we walk by  huge crowd of laughing, yelling teenagers.

"What if we crash?" she asks shaking abit.

"Katniss." I say stopping and turning to face her. "Your more likey to win the lottery than a plane crash, really?"

"Fine! Just stay with the whole flight." she says. 

"What if I have to pee?" I ask giving her a smile.

"Than you run." she says. I nod and pull her in for a tight hug.

"Its won't be bad. I promise you this." I say as we start to walk again. "And we're flying with a really good company."

"Okay, lets just get it over with." she says. I nod and we walk to a front desk.

"May I help you?" the woman asks.

"Yes, where is flight 384?" I ask. She looks through her computer and smile.

"Flight dock 2A." she says. I nod and we walk there before sitting and waiting.

"Peeta, I really can't do this." she says gripping my arm tightly.

"Katniss, nothing will happen. I promise." I say running my hand through her hair. "I'll be right next to you the whole time and its only a 3 hour flight."

"I know but..." but I cut her off.

"Its gonna be just fine. Okay." I say giving her a soft kiss. She nods and rests her head on my shoulder as we wait. Than we're called to board and I stand up with Katniss. We stand in line for about 10 minutes before we're in the plane and our seats.

"Good Morning ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to flight 384 to L.A. Today's weather look quiet fine, maybe a thunderstorm here and there but nothing too serious. This flight will take about 3 hours, maybe a few minutes late because of the storms but we will make it there. I wish you all a great flight." the captain says. 

"Peeta, can you hand me a blanket?" Katniss asks. I nod and hand her one of the blue blankets but as she takes it from my hand I feel how cold she really is.

"My god Katniss, your freezing." I say wrapping it tightly around her.

"I'm sorry, I've been shaking." she says. I sigh and kiss her cheek softly.

"Its gonna be fine. I promise." I say wrapping my arm around her. She nods and closes her eyes as the plane starts and takes off.

1 Hour Later

"Peeta! Peeta wake up!" I feel shaking. I open my eyes and see Katniss.

"Whats wrong?" I ask sitting up.

"Its shaking. The plane's shaking!" she says. I look out the window and see lightning and hear thunder.

"Its just a little storm." I say rubbing her arm. "Its fine."

"Its won't crash?" she asks.

"No, I promise." I say. She nods and buries her head in my chest as a flight attendant walks up.

"Would you two like something to drink?" she asks. I look to Katniss who shakes her head. 

"May I have a Sprite?" I ask. She nods and is just about to walk away but stops.

"You do know that you can watch movies, right?" she says.

"What?" I ask. She opens the small tray in the back of the seat in front of me and I see a screen. "Oh, thank you."

"And here are headphones to hear it." she hands me two pairs. I nod and shake Katniss making her pull away.

"Here you can watch a movie." I say handing her it. She smiles and plugs it in, turning on Now You See Me. I plug mine in and turn on Carrie. I loved that movie but haven't seen the remake. My Sprite comes and the rest of the flight is pretty quiet.

After Landing

We got off the plane and are walking through the airport.

"That wasn't so bad. Your right." she says. I smile as she gives me a soft cheek kiss.

"Peeta!" I look up and see my Aunt Carrie. Movie? Aunt? I know. She runs up to me and gives me a big hug.

"Hey Aunt Carrie. I missed you." I say hugging her back and pulling away.

"And who's this beautiful young lady?" she asks looking at Katniss.

"This is my girlfriend, Katniss." I say. She shakes her hand and we start our walk to the car. We get in and she start the drive.

"So, how is everything at the bakery?" she asks.

"Pretty good. Mom is there with Rye." I say.

"Thats good and how is your mother?" she asks.

"Good, still calls me cupcake though." I say making her laugh.

"When you were younger you loved that." she says. Katniss is smiling like the sun's coming out of her ass.

"I know Auntie Carrie." I say making her smile. After a good hour drive we arrive at her house. We get out but a familiar voice makes my good mood fade.

"Peeta? Is that really you?" I turn and see her. My childhood love, my more or less ex, Amber Cartwright.


Yay! Update! Yay! Who the hell's Amber?

Nikki :)

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