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So I'm gonna start it off nice and easy with something we've all heard about before, Anti-Vaxxers these are your quintessential primer into the world of pseudo scientific alternative medicine, this belief is usually the first step towards believing many different kinds of crazy things, since it involves the total disregard and disbelief in vaccines it's very easy too go from that too not believing in modern medicine at all. The way I'm going too do this is list some common beliefs they hold and kinda debunk those

If vaccines work what are you afraid of?

You'll most often hear this from parents saying something like this "if vaccines work than how can my unvaccinated kid get your vaccinated kid sick hmm?" Now many of them believe that this is a good point and here's what's wrong with it, you see we're not afraid of our vaccinated kid getting sick what we are afraid off is your kid getting sick, you see we have a thing called empathy and as a result the last thing we want is for your child too get sick just because you don't believe in medicine but there's also something else, many people usually children born with an immune system so weak that they can't safely get a vaccine, as a result they are highly susceptible too catching a disease so even if your kid only ends up being a carrier for it they might end up giving it too one of these children who have no defence against it

Polio isn't actually polio

Now this one is one that I heard not long ago, basically a woman said that polio didn't cause paralysis or death and those things were just because of poor sanitation and whilst improved sanitation did have an effect it doesn't explain why these symptoms suddenly stopped all of a sudden after the vaccine was introduced, if it was just a sanitation issue than you'd still expect a few cases here and there but we've practically wiped it out

Why no trial?

Now this one is interesting to say the least, this question was posed by a YouTuber by the name of Bibleflockbox (I think that's how it's written) now mr box posed the question of why there's never been a double blind trial for I probably don't need to explain why that's crazy but I'll do it anyway. You see a double blind trial is where you take two (maybe more depending on what you're testing) groups of test subjects and give one the vaccine/drug/product and one group a sugar pill or saline solution that won't have an effect than expose both groups too what's it's supposed too solve/help, now the point is of this is too see if it actually solves the problem or if it's just a placebo effect. Now the reason why this can't be used for vaccines is that you would have too expose children with no vaccine too a deadly disease and just hope they didn't die which most people would agree that that's pretty fucking unethical. The way we determine whether or not vaccines are effective is by using statistics for example, look at this chart

 The way we determine whether or not vaccines are effective is by using statistics for example, look at this chart

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See how polio cases just stop not long after the vaccine was introduced, that's how we know it was effective

Vaccines change our genetics

This was something that Alex Jones claimed (some one remind me too make a chapter about him) now he seems too think that vaccines alter our DNA and genetics now here's the thing, there's no evidence of this claim and it doesn't make sense, look back at that chart before the vaccine people were dropping left and right (many of them being children) it was so bad that once the vaccine came out everyone rushed too get them, what does this have too do with genes? You may ask, well let me explain. You see if it did affect our genes than by now we wouldn't need the vaccine, we'd have passed down the vaccine too our children and soon humans would be resistant too it

We have an immune system, you just need too take care of yourself

Yes those are true, if you eat right, work out and get enough sleep you'll lower your chances of getting a disease but the types of disease that need a vaccine are usually ones that have evolved too a point were we can't defend ourselves at least not without giving our immune system just a little bit of a boost which is what vaccines do

Follow the money

Now I've left this till last because it's my favourite now the person who started the Anti-Vax movement was former Dr Andrew Wakefield, why is he former a Dr? Well the paper he wrote to try and show that the MRI vaccine caused autism was so poorly mad he was outcast from the medical community, he used too small of a sample size and his researchers admitted that they had been heavily pushed towards finding conclusions that weren't there, but I'm not here too talk about that. You see Anti-Vaxxers often tell you too just follow the money and you'll see how vaccines are evil, so one guy did. He investigated Andrew and found out that he had made a patent on a different vaccine that would do the same as the MRI vaccine "so what?" You say "that's what doctors do" well here's where it gets shifty you see he only ever mentioned the MRI vaccine as the one that gave people autism, it was everyone else that said all vaccines do it, so what that evidence shows is that clearly he made up his results too show that his vaccines future competitor was not too be trusted and than when people were afraid he'd come in with a vaccine that was the same but didn't cause autism. So this entire situation was caused by one guy wanting too make a couple extra bucks


So what'd you guys think, I'd love some feedback and mention anything you're interested in and I might make a chapter for it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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