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Opening my eyes again I was in another room.

Turning around I noticed my back was faced towards a painting.

A man was looking at it~

His brought shoulders caught my attention as I walked closer.

'A patron
A way of living
What is your vision?' He looked over at me.

Looking into his eyes I walked closer.

'What do you see?' He slides his gaze over to the painting. Mine following his.

Inspecting the painting I pouted.

'I see~ a war between good and evil~ someone who's reaching for, or~' 'seeks guidance.' Looking over at him I nodded as he finished my sentence.

'Find your own evil and good, wipe away the sins and good deeds, What's left? Search for yourself, not for the person you have become because of deeds you did or needed to do for others.'

"Find who I truly am inside~" Starting to think I stood there almost about an hour in silences with the man that had given me these powerful words.

Still looking at the painting.

Blinking my eyes a few times they began to feel heavy as they started to close, slowly making it all black again.

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