❗Chapter 1❗

11 1 1

              ^Andy Black above ^
                  Alex's Pov
   I woke up today with the sun's warm and comforting shine raining on my face. I heard the Blue Jays chirping outside my window as I smelled my mothers lovely cooking downstairs.
    NOT!!! This isn't the happy sunshine and rainbows kinda story. Nope. This is a sad story about my life, with sadistic parents and ignorant plastics at school. My life, is full of abuse, sad memories and all that sad stuff until I met Andy. But, my life wasn't always like this. My parents were nice and loving to me, but that side of them changed when my brother, Josh, died. They claimed it was my fault. Part of me felt it was. But another part of me knows it wasn't mine. However, at the time, I was 7. And when I was 8.. The abuse started and we moved away to get a "fresh" start when I was 11.
  "Get your butt down here you waste of space daughter of mine!" My so called "Dad" yelled from the attic bottom
    I slowly groaned and climbed out of my bed..Oh..Did I mention..I don't have a room? Nope. Not allowed to since my brother died and it's "My fault" but..whatever. I don't care. Because I don't feel anything. I only feel numb. I hurry to get dressed throwing on an BVB Army t-shirt and some black skinny ripped jeans topped off with my leather jacket, high top converse and a beanie, which covered the top of my blue grey and black streaked hair. I looked at my arms covered with little white lines and many bracelets. Sighing, I didn't want to make my "parents" mad,  because right after school I would be sneaking to an BVB concert. Not that they would care.
     I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the priss and annoying voice of my mother.
"Hurry up! Our breakfast isn't going to cook itself ya know!" She screeched
  " Yes ma'am" I replied, lowering my gaze to floor and trying to fake tremble while inside I was smirking at her stupidity. 
     After I finished they're breakfast, I'd grabbed a granola bar that was quickly smacked out of my hand and replaced with many punches to the face and kicks to the stomach. Of course. How could I forget? I am not allowed to eat while they're around, I looked up and faked tears so they'd think I really cried. And so I could get to school, secretly thanking myself for not applying makeup yet and waiting till school to put on the concealer for the bruises and eyeliner and mascara for later. Once they finished my daily beating I looked up once again at their sadistic smirks before they walked away and I snuck the granola bar into my bag while walking to school, wincing at the pain in my ribs from my "mom's" 6 inch heels kicks worsened.  I didn't mind the pain. It just felt weird. I dunno, anyway, I arrived at school and quickly let my hair fall over my face, to hide the bruises on my cheek until I could make my way to the bathroom to apply makeup.
      As I was applying the eyeliner and giving it the finishing touches, I heard the most annoying voice and a girl faker than barbie.
   "Well, well, well...Look what the cat dragged in." She smirked
   "What do you want, Emma?" I sighed,  already exasperated.
   "Nothing, just the usual." She replied, referring to the meaningless yet meaningful words she told me everyday.
  "I know, I know. Go die you no good emo! Your a waste of space!" I mimicked in a high pitched annoying voice before gathering my things and leaving her stunned in the bathroom.
    School, passed by in a blur. And soon I dropped my bag off inside my room ignoring the insults my "parents" threw at me and then sneaking out the window, trying to hurry to the BVB concert, with my ticket clutched in my sweaty palm and not long after, I made it. 
            ●  Authors Note ●
        ~So what did you think? This is my first time writing a book! Was it good? If you see any grammar or typo mistakes please politely comment! No need to be mean!Sorry this chapter is so short! ~
                  |Emo Fail|

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