16. A sin upon a sin.

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(I was in the mood for some dark sh*t. So I made this.
Warning: Incest and rape all in one chapter. This also has that one connected by a red thread scenario in here.)

Scenario 1: You and your brother/sister (Crush) were born connected to each other by an invisible red thread. If one of you went too far away from the other, then the thread would snap and you'd both die. So you lived life trying to be as close as possible. This made petty fights and sneaking out on dates in highschool very weird, but the two of you managed. It wasn't until you both moved away from home that things started to get weird. (Crush) came in one night while you were watching late night TV and pinned you down right where you were. You...

Scenario 2: MAKE IT UP!

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