Chapter Four: Burning to Love

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(WARNING: chapter will have mature themes read at own risk.)

Blaze paced her chamber that night wanting to be alone to her thoughts. She had walked to her balcony in the dark in only her underwear. She sighed and there was a knock at her tower chamber door. "Let thyself in." Blaze said still looking at the village below her castle. The nurse let herself in and walked to the balcony door. "My lady, a messenger from the Anarchy kingdom is here to speak with you." The nurse told her and Blaze sighed. "Tell thee I shall be fifteen." The nurse nodded her yellow furred feline head and walked to the door and opened it and walked out of sight only to scream and choke. Blaze turned in fear and looked to the door a green hedgehog stood there with armour on and a now bloody sword in his hand. "My king sends his regards." The hedgehog rose his sword and Blaze had her back against her balcony railing. She closed her eyes scared to die. The green hedgehogs ears twitched and he turned his head only to get shouldered of the railing down into the darkness below with a crash. She looked up at the person who pushed the hedgehog into the depths below. Standing before her was a orange kitsune fox boy with three tails and jet black hair slicked back. His jade green eyes shining in the torchlight. His chainmail shirt bore the emblem of the Anarchy kingdom but he saved her from one of his own, possibly killed him. Blaze wondered how anyone could possibly commit treason to their kingdom to save another. "Is thy fair maiden safe?" He asked Blaze his voice smooth like he talked to women often but he didn't look as if that were the case. She couldn't help look in his eyes, she could see something in them. "I am safe, thank you, but he was one of thy fellow knights. How could thou just kill ones comrade in cold blood?" Blaze had asked the Anarchian fox boy before her. "Comrade? Hah, not even. When thy father was slain that of a day ago is when my dreams of being a knight were slain too." Blaze looked at him in sympathy. She knew the pain of losing a parent in a time of war. She walked into her chamber then realizing she was still in her under garments and she instantly became flustered and red in the face. "Do you mind turning around and letting me get proper attire on?" The boy turned away, his face turning red knowing he embarrassed her in such a grim moment. "Forgive me my primary focus was saving thee when I saw Anarchian knights coming. I raced past them to make it here not knowing how many were in yet." She chuckled slightly. "Well thank you much if not for thee I would have been slain at the peak of my kingdom leaving my people queenless." She had pulled on a simple nightgown and walked over giving him a traditional kiss on the cheek showing her trust in his loyalty to save those in need. "I did not catch my saviour's name?" She sat on her bed looking at him. He simply stood there not knowing to move. "Well my name is Francis Fox, former Anarchian, now a nomader, your majesty." She giggled. "You are always welcome in my kingdom Mr. Fox. Please feel free to sit with me." He did as instructed and sat next to her. "I made word to your guards that Anarchian troops were coming and that I needed speak with you about what is to come." Francis told her not looking at her. "Does something bother thou?" Blaze asked Francis curious. "This may sound weird but two things bother me so. One is this war that my now former king started. Secondly... um... thou are quite beautiful and I was quite surprised the ruler of this fair kingdom was so young." She looked surprised by his words. "Well thank you I don't talk to people often so many don't see me. I normally rule from within this tower and-" Francis' lips were on hers cutting her off. Her face went bright red and she lighted on fire and he fell to the floor scrambling against the wall. "What does thou think he be doing to thine lips!? Why dost thou put that sin upon royal tender lips?!" She had walked over to him pinning against the wall. "If thou dost not want thy sin then return ones sin to me." He said gulping slightly. She looked him in the eyes for a few moments before her fire went out and she kissed him. "Why dost thou want this sin back?" She asked. "Does thou not want me to keep it?" Francis asked her and she looked questionable. "I do not know." She kissed him again holding his cheek. He held her cheek as well kissing back. She soon pushed him away holding her chin in one hand and her elbow with the other. "What hast thou made me do? What hast thou made me feel? I was on the edge of death's fierce blade and now I stand here kissing thy saviour. Why this is only the work of a fairy tale. Yet, it does not feel wrong, but me, a queen, and thou be but a nomadic swordsman whose origin is from now one of my sworn enemies. What would my father and mother think if they were still among the walking? Royalty kissing a nobleman? Thy father would think me a promiscuous woman. Thy mother would think only of the heir to come. Why dost the sin of a simple kiss make thy heart yearn for both more and it to end?" Blaze sat on her bed not knowing what to think. Francis walked over sitting next to her. "Dost thou want to share the sin once more to help thee decide?" She nodded turning to him holding his cheek kissing him once more. He held her cheek and she laid back pulling him upon her still kissing him. He went down to her collarbone kissing it gently. She blushed looking away as he did as he wished. He went back to kissing her and took off his chainmail and sword in its sheath. She held her hands on his chest caressing his muscles. He smiled down at her and she smiled back up at him. "Dost thou wish for more or shall we only go thus far?" Francis asked and she looked at him flustered. "Thou wishes for more of her first." Francis smirked when she said it was her first. "Dost thou know what to do during?" Francis asked curious if he was going to have to lead her or not. "Thy mother taught me about the process before her passing." Blaze told him. Francis nodded pulling her nightgown off of her. She instinctivly covered herself not used to showing her body to anyone. He looked at her with a warm welcoming look. She slowly uncovered and he smiled pulling his pants off kissing her neck. She looked down at his size blushing looking away as he eased her under garments off her starting with her top. He slowly pushed into her and she grunted slightly blushing and biting her lip. He continued to make love to her for most the night.

• • •

Midnight came and Blaze was cuddling Francis close under her bed covers. "Why do I have this feeling of guilt but at the same moment I have this feeling of pleasure?" Blaze asked holding him. "Maybe thou has been alone for too long." Francis said petting her head as he held her. "Francis, I know thou has said you left Anarchia due to your fathers untimely slaughter, but why did thou come here?" Blaze asked cuddling him closer. "When I learned the decree of war was that of King Sanctum's thou wanted to fight for thy kingdom but this war is what caused the heavenly crossing of my father at the hands of a red echidna baring the crest of the Chaosian knights. I felt if I came here it was my only chance at safety." Francis explained to her and held her closer as tears rolled down his face. She realized his tears and kissed his cheek. "Please, don't show such sorrow. I am certain ones father would not want to be mourned but avenged by stopping this war." Francis couldn't help but laugh. "I have no such power." Blaze sighed. "I believe you are the hero to bring us all to peace." He shook his head. "I am no hero, your majesty." Blaze sat on his lap and held his head so he looked at her. "First you are my hero and secondly thou has no need to call me majesty." Francis blushed looking in her eyes. "Why dost thou have more beauty in my eyes than any other maiden to the point only love is appropriate to explain it?" She smiled at him. "I love thou as well."

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