Bucky... Please... Don't Go...(Bucky Barnes)

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Imma die for this one. This is a terrible idea that just popped into my head.

Also, hehe, this is the 107th chapter, and Bucky was in the 107th infantry. Coincidence, Maybe lol. Okie. Back to the imagine.


You were on a mission with the team. Paired up with your husband, of course.

You and the Avengers were taking down a major threat to the beautiful country of Italy. You were saving a bunch of people, putting your forcefields up around them while you took out the enemy with your fire powers, burning them to ash.

You were getting tired, but you kept pushing through. Keeping the people safe the only thought on your mind at the moment.

Then you felt something, like your heart shattering as you watched Bucky get hit. You screamed and the enemies around you all burned to ash within the whole radius of the country. The team made sure the people were ok as you ran towards your husband as fast as your stumbling legs could carry you.

You dropped down beside him and pressed your hands down tightly on the bullet wound in his gut.

"Hey... Hey... It's ok. Look at me, stay with me, Buck." You gasped out, trying to catch your breath.

"God... It hurts..." Bucky groaned as you pressed down harder.

"I know baby. I know. But I gotta press on it. I can't lose you, Buck. You gotta stay with me." You said and sat down on your butt, letting him lay his head in your lap.

"(Y/N)... I don't think... I don't think I'm gonna make it..." Bucky coughed and some blood dribbled from his mouth.

"STEVE!" You yelled, "STEVE, I NEED HELP!" You cried, pressing harder on Bucky's wound.

"It's ok. I'll be ok." Bucky groaned slightly.

"Yeah. Steve's on his way. You keep those beautiful blue eyes open." You stammered. Taking one hand to place it on his cheek, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone.

"But I'm tired, honey... I want to close my eyes and sleep." Bucky mumble, his eyes drooping.

"Hey!" You yelled and slapped him across the face, hard. "Keep those eyes open, Bucky. Please." You pleaded. You looked up to see Steve start running towards you.

You looked down at Bucky again. He reached up his right hand and placed it on your cheek gently. You leaned into his touch as he rubbed his thumb on your cheek.

"I love you... So much... Promise me that you won't change for anyone. Never change... Promise me..." Bucky mumbled as his eyes started to close again.

"I promise, Bucky." You nodded as a tear raced down your face.

"Good. I love you, (Y/N)." Bucky whispered.

"I love you too, Bucky. Please, don't go. I still need you." You pleaded.

"I'll always be with you... I promise..." Bucky smiled weakly at you. A cough shook his body as some blood came from his mouth.

"Shhh. Shhh. Don't speak." You shushed him and pulled your hands from his wound, wiping the blood from your hands on your uniform.

You placed your hands on his cheeks and kissed him deeply. He put one hand on your face and the other in your hair.

You pulled away and placed your forehead on his as more tears fell from your face.

Bucky wiped them away and you pulled him close for one last time.

"Bucky... Don't go... Please..." You whispered as you watched your love, your husband, take his last breath.

"I love you..." He breathed for the last time as the light left his eyes and his hand slowly fell from your face.

You sobbed as you held his head in your lap. Steve came to a stop next to you and cursed as he looked down at his dead best friend.

"Please Bucky..." You sobbed.


Okie. Imma go die now...

Till Next Time My Fellow Stan Girls!

♡ Rach (MsMarvelNerdist42)

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