0.4-Falling into his arms

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I sat in the same place reading my book for a little while longer. Max ended up finding me since they needed me.

"Why are you all the way over here?" He asked as I shoved my book in my bag

"I was hoping to read until you guys needed me, but then Gabe came up and spoiled my book" I rolled my eyes

"Since when did he read?"

"I don't know but he's read this book and he spoiled it!" I whined

Max wrapped his arms around my shoulder "well that sucks don't it? But I know what will cheer ya up"

I looked over at him as we walked across set "yeah and what's that?"

"We are starting to film king of New York"

"Really?!" I asked a smile on my face

"Yeah, your dad wanted me to come get you so you could help"

"YES!" I yelled "come on let's go!" I said before running off to where they were filming

"HEY! WAIT UP ARI!" Max yelled after me

I laughed as I got to the Diner set before Max did. I stood waiting for him to catch up, once he did I looked at him and laughed

"You're slow"

"Oh shut up Ariana"

"Did you just get beat by a girl Max?" Trey asked as he walked over to us

Max just looked at him before taking the eye patch he was wearing and slingshotting it back onto his face, trey yelled out in pain. I tried not to laugh but that didn't work. I bursted out in laugher, I had to shove my hand over my mouth to try and control it. Trey gave me a death glare.


I looked at Trey and Max "have fun, I'll be criticizing you both the whole time"

"Ah, shut up" Max said walking away

I walked over by my dad, a guy walked in front of the camera saying the scene and take, then he shut the marker and walked back behind the camera.

The scene started with Denton waking in to the diner. The newsies soon crowd around him looking at the paper, then all saying random banter, like Gabe, or spot should I say, asking where he was in the paper. Jack then pushing him back telling him to stop asking about himself. Then came the song.

Max said all his lines, then the music started.it started fine until we got to the part were Max holds up the newspaper and does a small dance.

I turned to my dad "tell them to cut"

"What why?" He asked as watched

"Cause he's off beat, and I don't think you want a movie we're the boys are off beat"

"OK, CUT AND GO BACK" My dad yelled

All the boys stopped and looked at him, I made my way over to all the boys

"Ok, uh, go back to when Max is on the table"

"What? Why? I did great!" Max complained

I pat him on the shoulder "yeah for being off beat you did great"

Max rolled his eyes and got back on the table. They played back the music,and again, he was off beat.

"Jesus have you got no rhythm?"

"If I'm doing It wrong how about you come up here and dance it yourself Ari" he said crossing his arms before hopping down off the table

"Ok fine" I got up on the table "play the music back"

The sound guy played the music back and I did the same steps as Max. This time actually on beat. I decided to throw my own little twist onto the dance. As the music kept playing I did a few turns and jumps on the table. I did a high kick and I thought to finish it off a cartwheel.

Thought I'm stupid, so I miss judged how much space I had on this table. My foot slipped off the table. And here's where I break something. I thought. In front of a bunch of cute guys, great.

I was expecting to meet face to face with the hard ground. But instead I felt my body fall into someone's arms. I looked up to see Gabe smirking down at me.

"Wow, you really can't help but fall for me can you?" He asked me with a smirk on his face, my cheeks turning a soft pink color, "aw look you're even blushing" he said as his faces leaned closer to mine

I put my hand on his face and pushed it back "put me down!" I groaned, he chuckled and did as I said. I glared at him

"Ok, stop hitting on my best friend jackass" Max spoke up causing the boys to laugh

"It's Gabe, he can't help but flirt with every girl he meets!" Trey said as he laughed

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, taking the hair band I wore on my wrist and put my hair up. I then walked away from the set, back to the chairs I was sitting in before. I just embarrassed myself in front of like the whole freaking cast, and
Crew also!

"Hey, you're dancing was great you know" A voice spoke

I looked up to see Bill Pullman In front of me, I laughed "yeah, then I fell off the table and embarrassed myself in front of like the whole cast"

"Ah, so what? We all mess up"

"We all don't fall off a table" I argued

"Well you still showed those boys off pretty well, they are all yelling about it. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, it's okay"

I smiled a little "thanks Bill"

"Anytime, now I have to get back, keep your head up kid" he said before walking off

After they finished filming for the day it was finally time for everyone to go home. I said bye to everyone telling them I'd see them tomorrow. Well everyone but Gabe. I said thank you again to Bill for his kind words.

When I got home I said hi to my mom, answering the few questions she has about my day. After I went upstairs and laid on my bed. I let out a sigh. Then my phone started to ring. I picked the phone up from my bedside table


"So Gabe?" It was Ele on the other line

"What? Do you mean 'so Gabe?' " I asked as I wrapped my finger around the cord

"You guys have been flirting all day!"

"What the hell, no we haven't, he's such a jackass"

"Yeah ok sure, you guys flirted when you hung out together while we were filming!"

"No w-" she cut me off

"Yes you did! Don't think I didn't see it!"

I rolled my eyes "he spoiled my book"

"It's a Nancy Drew book, they all end the same"

"Oh shut up, now stop, good night Ele"

"Wait I'm not done, yo-"

"Good night Ele" I said before put the phone down

She's insane if she thinks I like Gabe Damon. Cause let's me honest. It's never gonna happen. And he's a jackass! I'd never fall for him. Right?

A/N: here's a long chapter oooof also thanks to heythatsmycigar for helping so much with ideas and these chapters : )

Can't help but fall♔Gabriel DamonWhere stories live. Discover now