Table read.

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It was a Thursday morning when Ellen parked her car in her parking spot on the set. She took a deep breath and opened her door. Today was the table read for 2x26-27 the last episode of the season.

As much as she needed a long vacation, she was going to miss her co-stars and even though she didn't want to admit it , she really was going to miss Patrick. They'd become very close over the past two seasons. She could really be herself around him and she could always feel her heart skip a beat whenever they kissed. Even though they were kissing as Meredith and Derek not as Ellen and Patrick.

She really tried to stop being so attracted to him because she knew that nothing was ever going to happen. She had a boyfriend who loved her more than anything. He had a wife and a daughter whom he loved more than life itself.

And he probably didn't even feel the same way about her.


She entered the big room, and noticed that some other actors were already seated. They each had a chair with their name on it and hers was next to Patrick's in the corner of the table. Patrick was already there. With his perfectly fixed hair and his charming blue eyes that drew everyone's attention.

Blue met green and she felt her heart flip in her chest. She tried not to show the painful emotions she was feeling and made her way towards him. She sat on her chair and smiled at him.

« hey sunshine, how are you ? » he asked flirtatiously.

« i'm fine, how are you ? and how is Talulah ? » she knew how much he loved to talk about his daughter. She was his pride. There was this special sparkle in his eyes eveytime she mentioned his daughter.

« we're fine. She asked about you the other day actually. She said she missed you. » Patrick said.

He often brought his daughter to the set when there weren't painful or awkward scenes to shoot.

And because Ellen and Patrick were sharing a trailer she has met the little girl and they had bonded.

« I miss her too, when are you bringing her to the set ? »

« I was thinking about bringing her next week when we shoot the beginning of the episode. » he said.

« that's great. »

they couldn't say anything else before Shonda entered the room and sat on her chair. She greeted everyone and told her assistent to pass the script to everyone. They each got their script and started the table read .

When they finally reached the last few pages Ellen and Patrick were both shocked to read that they were going to have to film a sex scene .

Shonda started talking " so here Meredith can't handle it anymore and is too tired of trying to stop thinking about him and he isn't actually making it any easier for her. So she runs and of course he runs after her and they fight before they both realize that they can't live without eachother . It's not just a sex scene. It has to be emotional because they've been separated for too long and they're finally getting back togehter . I'm not worried about it though, considering your amazing chemistry i know the scene will be exactly the way i planned it."

They smiled at her and nodded .

The table read was over and everyone said their goodbyes . They had three days off before starting the shooting of the last episode on monday . Patrick looked at Ellen and hugged her . He knew he shouldn't have felt that way but he was more than happy to do this scene with her. He didn't know exactly what it was that he was feeling for his co-star who also happened to be his bestfriend but he was definitly attracted to her.

They pulled away from their hug and shared a look. It was intense. Neither was able to look away. Their eyes were locked together. It was at this moment that Ellen realized that they weren't just friends . And that he was probably feeling the same way about her that she was about him . And she didn't know if she should have been feeling scared or happy .

"See you on monday"he said with a soft smile .

"See you . Enjoy your weekend."

"Thanks you too."

And that's how her day ended . She headed back home and ignored the phone calls her boyfriend was giving her .

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