Can't fight love

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Ellen woke up on saturday with a headache. She had dreamt about Patrick all night long. She knew it was wrong because she had Chris and he had Jill and Talulah. But she couldn't help it. Her feelings for him grew stronger every day.

She picked up her phone and saw that she had an unread message. She opened it :

From: Patty


Hey, i was wondering if you'd like to come over today. Jill's still in NY and T slept at her friend's house. We could rehearse a little and i really think we should talk.

She took a deep breath and answered to his text:

From : Ellie

To : Patty

Ok, i'll come over. At what time should i come ?

She wished she could avoid this but she just couldn't. A few days ago she didn't even know he had feeling for her. She thought that she was crazy and that he would never be interested in her because he loved his wife more than anything. But she was wrong. She had realized that at the table read when they shared this look. It was intense and scary but somehow she had enjoyed having him look at her that way.

She knew they had to talk about it. She had to stop avoiding. It was something she had in common with Meredith. They were avoiders.

Her phone signaled that she had recieved a text.

From: Patty

To: Ellie

You can come whenever you want. I'm staying in all day long. The earlier the better.

She decided she'd leave her house at 11 AM .

It was now time to leave. She was dressed in navy blue jeans and a white tank top.

Her hair fell wavily on her shoulders. She picked up her bag and car keys before walking to the door.

She got into her car and drove the short drive to Patrick's house.

The papparazzi were always following her everywhere since the show's ratings had gone up. She pulled up in the driveway in front of the villa and got out of the car. She could hear the cameras clicking so she held her script close to her to let them know that it was just about work.

Patrick was anxious. He didn't even know what he wanted to say to her. But he knew that they had to talk. He watched her from the window walking towards the big glass doors. He got up off the couch and opened the door before she had the chance to wring the doorbell.

He smiled warmly at her and let her in.

"Hey," he said brushing a hand through his hair.

"Hi," she answered with a soft smile.

No matter what she was wearing, she always took his breath away. He had always found jill beautiful. But there was never this spark between them.

Ellen was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

She entered his house and he lead her towards the big black leathered couch. His house was very modern. Much like her house. Most men didn't get involved in the house furniture but she knew just by looking around that he had a say in every little detail. The house was very Pattrick-y.

They sat down accross from eachother and there was an awkward silence.

"So.. What did you want to talk about?"she asked. As if she didn't know what was going on.

He breathed heavily and moved to sit down next to her.

He ran a hand through his hair.

"Can we rehearse a little first?" He suggested with a small innocent smile that made her heart melt.

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