Football Girl

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Chapter 1

I sat there watching our football team while they practiced. I wasn't one of the cheerleaders, or even one of the girlfriends. I just loved the game, but because I am a girl I'll never be able to play with the guys. I was sitting near the end zone. Trying to do my homework, but kept stopping and just watching the guys. I wanted more than anything to be on the team, but I could never try out because I'm a girl and because even if I tried, High school would become even more of a Hell hole.

"Hey, lookout" one of the players yelled, when I looked up from my book I saw a football coming my way, and it was about to hit me. Then all in a second the ball finished its arc hitting me at the base of my neck, my arms wrapped around myself and captured the ball, it was all instinct, I looked down and there nestled in my chest was the ball. The force of the ball had knocked me over, and crushed my lung, my shirt had flown up. Whoever had yelled to lookout had reached me; he knelt down to see if I was alright, sounding like he was about to have a heart attack. I started coughing, and got my breath back.

"Oh my god, are you alright? I am so sorry," He started. I tried to say it was alright but he wouldn't have it.

"Oh my god you're gonna get a bruise, do you need a doctor? Can I do anything?"

"Sure, just go ahead and pull my shirt up." Blushing he pulled down my shirt for me so my stomach was at least covered.

"How did you catch that?" He asked

"Well it did come flying right at me," I let go of the ball and tried to sit back up, a lot of the guys from the team had arrived and were crowded around me so tight it was hard to sit up, they didn't even pretend to look like they cared.

"Alright alright, let me in, give her some space" I knew instantly that it was the coach, he would probably help me up and get someone to bring me to the nurse.

The guys who were standing ~and from my point of view blocking out the sun­~ parted to reveal the coach. The sun was right behind him and the glare blinded me for a second. The guys backed up and gave me some space, except for the player who had reached me first, I didn't know his name.

"Ok let me get a look at her," He examined me for a second, and I felt really self-contious.

"I think you should go to the nurse, can you sit up?" He asked.

"Adam be a gentleman give her a hand?" The coach said, he had kneeled down with the player who I assumed would be Adam, and between the two of them lifted me back to a sitting position. I didn't really hurt but would probably have a bruise later as I had fallen on a textbook.

Adam put my books back into my bag, and zipped it up, then with another players help got me to a standing position, grabbed my backpack and the 3 of us walked off the field and over to the nurses office.

"Sorry... Again," Adam said, meekly. We are walking to the nurses office even though I told them I wasn't hurt Adam wouldn't listen and decided I couldn't walk so now he has my supposed good arm around his neck and he's stabilizing me with his hand on the small of my back. It's weird because he's taller than I am and I feel really awkward.

"I'm Adam, by the way," Adam said, I tried to smile but I just wasn't feeling it.

"That's Alexander," he said, jerking his thumb to the other player. He wasn't paying attention to us.

"I'm Natalia," I said, my voice back to normal. I had gotten my breath back. I landed with the corner of a textbook jabbing my back, *sigh*

We were almost to the nurse's office when my phone started vibrating in my back pocket. It was probably Olivia asking where I was.

"Uh, I think your phone is going off." Alexander said, finally looking at me,

"Oh, I hadn't noticed?" I said, annoyed with him.

"Xander give her a break she just got knocked over because of us, how can I help Natalia?" Turning to me with a lost look he was still treating me like I was injured.

"Dude, I'm fine, I can even pick up my own calls,"

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