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I woke up from the sounds of screaming and slamming doors, which isn't really anything new to me. I sat up in bed, rubbing away the sleep from my eyes. Throwing the covers off of me, I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs to make something for breakfast. My cooking skills weren't the best so I decided on the safe route and just made a bowl of cereal. The events of last night flooded my brain. How am I supposed to face Michael after last night? Do I bring it up? Forget about it?

"Hey, Chevrolet," I heard an all too familiar voice shout and loud footsteps walking down the stairs.

My eyes grew to the size of golf balls and I almost choked on my cereal, "Michael Gordon Clifford, what in the fuck are you doing? My dad and the devil are somewhere in this house and if they see you here, they're going to think something naughty happened last night!"

He frowned at me, "Relax, chill out. Check your antifreeze," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes, "I saw them leave. They're not here. And something naughty did happen last night. Please tell me you haven't already forgotten about that kiss?"

I got up to put my bowl in the sink and checked around the corners just to make sure nobody was really here besides Michael and I, "In that case, why didn't you use the front door? You know, like a normal person would do."

He crossed his arms, acting fake offended, "Don't interrogate me, I," he pointed at himself in the chest, "am a big boy. I don't need to answer your questions."

I ignored his childish act and said, "No, I didn't forget about the kiss-" Michael interrupted, "So you liked it?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and had a huge grin spread across his face.

"I'm not answering that," I said, turning away from him so he couldn't see the blush appearing on my cheeks. I felt him behind me and felt his hot breath hit my ear as he whispered, "I know you liked it because quite frankly, I did too."

I didn't say anything more on the subject, in fact, I decided to change it, "Are you having band practice today?"

"Yes, why?"

I wanted to mess with Michael because it was funny seeing him annoyed. I threw the wash rag I had been using to clean my dish back in the sink and dried my wet hands off on my pajama pants, "Good. I just wanted to see Ashton."

He threw his head back, clearly annoyed, "What's your infatuation with him? You're like obsessed with him."

I began walking up the stairs, knowing Michael was hot on my tail. I could hear his footsteps booming behind me, "I'm not obsessed with Ashton. I just think he's funny."

I was picking out my outfit for the day and I heard Michael fall down on my bed and groan loudly into my pillow, "Ok, but I'm funny too."

I gave him an amused look, knowing he couldn't see it. He was laying face down and I decided to go lay on him. I rested my head on his back and loosely wrapped my arms around his torso. I mumbled into his neck, "You're so cuddly, just like the big red dog that you are."

I could feel his back bouncing up and down and heard his little laugh, "I wish I could say the same but I have a three ton vehicle on my back."

I jabbed my finger into his side and he jerked away, laughing and groaning from the slight pain I've caused him. Michael got up, me still on his back, and fell backwards on the bed, squishing me in the process. He put his dead weight on me and wouldn't move for anything. I tried to tickle him but he didn't even flinch. He began to snore loudly, and on purpose to annoy me, which was working, "Michael," I groaned, "get off of me."


I began to talk to myself, "Maybe this strange species can't understand my language. I'm going to try something and see if it works," I cleared my throat and began barking loudly in Michael's ear. Then this asshole started making honking noises. I somehow, surprisingly, got us flipped over and from the look on Michael's face, he was surprised too. We done nothing but stare at each other. I took in his facial features and cherished every inch of his face. His beautiful green eyes, that seemed to always shine, was staring back at me. They held something that I couldn't figure out. I ran my fingers along the stubble on his face and watched as Michael softly closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, taking in what was happening in this very moment. He held my hand, that was still caressing his cheeks, and he finally opened his eyes and stared deeply at me, "Chevy, I-"

His phone began ringing and I dropped my hands from his stubby cheeks, getting up from off of Michael, earning a groan from him, and went to finish getting ready for whatever was going to happen today. I listened in on his phone conversation.

"What do you want Ashton? I'm a little busy here. No, not with my ha-shut up. You seriously just called me because you're bored at a stop light? Goodbye."

I heard Michael call out for me, "Are you almost ready? Vroom vroom, Chevrolet." Michael snorted, yet again, at his own pun.

I yelled, "You're still not funny." I walked out into full view and smiled at Michael, him returning the gesture. "Are you ready?"

I nodded my head and followed him out of my front door and through his yard, into his parents' garage that they let him use for the band. I was always jealous of how supportive and caring Michael's parents were of him. It was something I lost the day my mom left. My dad grew cold, miserable, and lost. It didn't help when he met Gwen, the devil that tries to runs the show. She's a nightmare in the form of a woman.


"Who are you?" I asked, not really caring. I was in a rush to go meet Michael outside to walk to the park.

"Phil never mentioned he," she scrunched her nose in utter disgust and looked at me like I was a sewer rat.

"No? Did he mention that he's still legally married?" I smiled sarcastically, hoping to get under her skin. I was thirteen and going through bodily changes that made me moody, and quite the bitch.

"Oh honey," she put her hand over her heart, she tightly gripped my arm and looked me dead in the eye, "why do you think your mom left you? Your father was too busy fucking me to even spare your mother a passing glance."

I yanked my arm away from her and shot daggers through her eyes, "You're disgusting."

Before I could finish my sentence, the back of her hand collided against my cheek, causing me to lose my balance and I had to grip the kitchen counter to keep myself from falling. I looked at her mortified and brushed passed her, heading for the door and to Michael, tears stinging my eyes.

You're The Reason//Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now