First day

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Hi I'm Isabel and I'm 18 years old. I was in a abusive relationship and I left and now I'm all bruised up and hurt.

I used to live in Los Angeles with my ex boyfriend but I'm currently moving to Harlem. I have no family because they all live in Dominican Republic.

Yup in half black and half Dominican. I have curly hair and in light skin. I have a good body and I have a bright smile that light up your day.

I arrive at my new apartment and I grab my bags. I walk closer to my apartment and see a group of boys on the steps

"You need help ma?" one of them asked

"No thanks" I mumbled

I grabbed one bag and put it in my apartment. I walked back downstairs and grabbed the rest off my luggage and went inside if my apartment.


I was downstairs from my apartment when I saw this girl walking to the building with luggage

"You need help ma?" I asked

"No thanks" she mumbled

I watched her go upstairs and damn she got ass

"Damn" I said smiling

"Damn you catching feelings?" Rocky said laughing

"Naw I'm probably gonna hit then leave" I said laughing

"Ya sure" Yams said

"Aight I'll see you guys later" I said getting up walking to my apartment


I finally settle down and look and myself in the mirror.

I look a mess. There is bruises all over my arms and legs and neck. Then I see a scratch on my neck and it's bleeding

"Shit I forgot the bandages" I said

I put on a white t shirt and some sweats and walk to my neighbors door and knock.

I look down

"Can I help you" my neighbor asked rudely

"Um ya you got bandages?" I asked sweetly before loosing my tempter

"Damn what happened to your hands and your neck?" He asked coming closer to me

O now he wants to act nice

"Nothing do you have bandages or not" I said backing up


I opened the door and saw the girl from this morning but this time she had bruises all over her body.

"Nothing you got bandages or not" she said

"Ya come sit" I said making way for her to come in

"I'd rather not can you just give me the bandages" she said looking scared

"Aight just wait here" I said walking to get some bandages

"Here you go" I said giving her the stuff

"Thanks" she said walking back to her apartment

Damn that ass.

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