♡ About you

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Hey guys, how're you?
This is my second imagine and I'm honestly so excited to share this with you. Let me know what you think of it ;)

You sighed, lightly kicking your feet against the chair ahead of you. You were sat in your third detention that week, this time for skipping a lesson in the girls bathroom. In your defence, you used that lesson to revise for your Defence Against The Dark Arts assessment. But of course, professors being professors thought you were lying... landing you in yet another punishment.

Each detention was different but harsh nonetheless. Monday's was to go into the Forbidden Forest with nothing but a lamp and a few other people whilst Tuesday's was to write about your wrong doings 100 times on a single sheet of paper. Therefore you had no clue what today's punishment could possibly be, the suspense giving you a sickening nerve feeling in the pit of your stomach.

To your own surprise, you had gotten to detention early and so had to wait for a while until all of the other students also arrived. You questioned your actions when the waiting time ended up being 40 long and excruciating minutes contained with nothing but silence and boredom. By this point you were raging deep down toward the absence of the others, just wanting to have the detention over and done with.

"I tell you, I am giving them each another two detentions if they don't turn up soon" The professor angrily announced, breaking the silence in the room. Content with his words, you looked up to him and nodded as if to say 'that is a good choice, sir'.

Another ten minutes passed until finally the last student ran hectically through the double doors, slamming them loudly against the wall. You didn't bother to turn around and see who it was, knowing that you'd only be more annoyed with them if you did so. Instead, you kept your head fixed to the palm of you hands.

"S-sorry I'm late, sir" the student panted, having run what seemed the length of the school six times to get there in the amount of time he had taken to do so. His voice sounded comfortably familiar and tired but you shrugged it off, not really caring much. That was until you heard the words...

"You will be Scamander.... you will be"

You turned your head quickly and suddenly into his direction, his messy self now gathering his bearings and walking toward you. You couldn't help but laugh a little at the sight of your innocent boyfriend surrounded by a group of rebellions and yourself in his first ever detention.

"Well if it isn't Mr 'I've never had a detention before in my entire existence' Scamander" you chuckled, staring into his hazel eyes.

"It's nice to see you too" he teased, sitting himself onto the stool beside you.

"How'd you of all people wind up here?" You questioned, generally very amused by the situation.

"I was told to write a two page essay about my favourite beast or creature for Care of Magical Creatures"

"Oh my, you've Only gone and broke the law" you giggled.

"Yes, well... I wrote about you, y/n. And They seemed to continuously remind me about how you aren't a creature and threw me into a detention for being 'disrespectful'" he shyly spoke, looking completely into your e/c eyes and giggling a little.

You paused for a while, taking in his cuteness "You chose me over writing about a creature?" You smiled, your eyes never averting from his.

"As much as you may not believe it, I always would"

And with that you both began the first hour of a three hour detention, exchanging silly glances throughout the entire duration and making the whole experience a lot more bearable. 

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