Double dare~ 🖤❤️💙

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{another smut story to get my brain thinking idk how far it's going to go but if you aren't into hat lemme know and I can try writing some fluff for you lovely readers}

As shiro sat in silence he noticed it was almost to quite to be enjoyable. Usually there's a bunch of annoying (and a couple oddly attractive) teens running around.

Three of them actually just being highly immature adults, pidge was an acception since no one could even dream of them growing old.

Once he was done daydreaming about the people he called family (and sometimes daddy 😏) shiro stood up from his comfortable bed, only to walk to, and out, the door of his room.

The original plan was to go to the control room and talk to allura, but his plan for later at night ended up walking straight (more less of the straight part) to him. Quietly viewing the two smaller boys taking their graceful steps towards the opposite end of the hall as he began to feel his face heat up a bit at the realization that the blue paladin was shirtless.

The first of the two that he started watching was Keith, admiring his skin that was shining from the thin layer of sweat coated over his pale face, and his slightly damp hair still looking as attractive as always while he moved it aside slightly to keep his eye contact with lance during their conversation.

Lance was roaming the halls with Keith shirtless, shiro could only assume that they were training together. although the thicker amount of sweat on lance made it quite clear that Keith beat the absolute shit out of him in there. Shiro wasn't complaining though, there were no bruises, and even if there was he'd just want to kiss every one of them. He had to admit, he had a bit of a crush on the two boys.

Lost In his train of thought he didn't realize that they had finally noticed shiro staring a little bit more intensely than welcomed at their beautiful bodies lance attempting to start the conversation with a simple "hey, shiro."

The barely older man flinching slightly at the surprising approach but not enough for the two others to notice as he choked back "oh, um, hi,"

The shortest of the three once again moving his long ravenette bangs from his face to quickly add to the conversation "we just finished training and we're heading to go watch a movie, wanna come?"

Shiro blinked a couple times slightly surprised the two boys only standing a couple feet away when he finally responds saying "yeah, sure, sounds fun."

Lance immediately jumped in with another one of his snarky comments "Don't you have some kinda of important duties to attend to, maybe like flirting with allura or baby sitting pidge?"

Shklance ❤️💙🖤Where stories live. Discover now