~9: L03~

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The two boys behind the sofa were surprised to hear someone jump about after their whispering- for this gave them the idea that the two Finders, or at least one of them, was scared. A truly absurd idea for the two boys at first, for they both knew that they'd not hurt anyone, so they had more for definite to fear than those sent to find them- however, as they thought of it more in-depth, they remembered that they were the most famous of their kind all across the world, which of course, to the general public, meant they were most dangerous.

"Jeno, stop jumping around. We have to do this, for the public."

The comment left Jisung seething in rage- these people genuinely believed that they were a danger to the world.

Without thinking, he began to move to stand up- before stopping, as Renjun tugged on the layer of material Jisung was wearing over his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing, Ji?"

"They're calling us fucking dangerous, 'Jun. We're not dangerous."

"I know that, idiot. But they're going to lock us up whether we've ever hurt anyone or not."

"Then I don't have anything to lose, do I?"

"Yeah, but I do- you."

Jisung sighed, which Renjun took as a sign of his defeat, causing him to grin in satisfaction- however it quickly slid from his lips as Jisung continued to stand.

"S-Stop moving."

The voice was closer than the two boys had anticipated, and Jisung briefly stopped moving to analyse what he had said. It only angered him more, for the boy's stutter showed him that he was scared- and the bronze-haired's anger at the public skyrocketed, because they were spreading stupid lies about him and Renjun being dangerous. When in fact, if they weren't thrown out for being Lookers, and Jisung's parents hadn't told everyone with pride that they'd thrown out 'two embarrassments of sons' for being who they were, they could very easily just have been living normal lives, such as these boys sent here to find them- if only people weren't cursed with abilities; if only the world was fair, they could very easily be friends with those here now- those here now to get rid of them, as to 'make a safer world'. Essentially, those here for self-satisfactory bullshit.

This train of thought led Jisung to begin to stand up again, to hurt the boys- not with his abilities, but with his physical strength. Not that there were enough attacks anymore for people to not just pass it off as him continuing to pose a threat to society, obviously.

"I s-said stop moving."

"I did hear you, Canada."

The nickname, he invented on the spot- to aggravate Mark; to show him and Je No that he wasn't like the rest of the world, welcoming their presence like they were saviours- like they belonged everywhere they went, and everything they did was for the good of everyone, even the Lookers. Apparently some people were delusional enough to believe that if they isolated Lookers from everyone else, it'd 'cure the Lookers, and then they could be fully functioning members of society who were welcome to actually talk to people!'.

"How did you know I'm Canadian? How do you even know who I am?"

Jisung facepalmed, while Renjun scoffed a little, both knowing that someone would have to be beyond oblivious to not know who Mark Lee and Lee Je No were- this was information drilled into the brains of children since they were young. That Mark Lee and Lee Je No were the saviours of the world and if you were in trouble they'd be the ones to help you.

"Anyone who hasn't heard of the Mark Lee, and your little friend Lee Je No, is stupidly naive to believe that everything in this world is absolutely fine. And also that every Looker in this world isn't out for blood, and doesn't want to kill everybody in their fucking path, obviously."

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