Chapter 5

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When Zane me and everyone else. For we saw and I'm believable site what we saw was Theodore and his two men we're well they were gone as if they just vanished into Thin Air. And the cave was filling up with water. And chopper was going crazy. Then out of the corner of my eyes I saw five Pokeballs. So I went over and picked them up and I said pokeballs go the moment that I said that Pokemon appeared and can you guess who's Pokemon they were that's right they were mine. I saw my Houndoom, Blaziken, Victreebel, blossom, Flygon. Houndoom, Blaziken, and my Flygon we're starting to go crazy.


"Yes Zane."

"How come three of them are getting a little too excited?"

"They don't like water they are weak against water attacks."

"Oh I should have known."

"I wonder how my Pokemon got here."

"Maybe Theodore left them here."

"Yeah you might be right Zane. Everyone return." Then all of my Pokemon returned into their Pokeballs.

"How are we going to get out of here?"

"I know Chomper Iron Tail on that Boulder over there, hey who's pokeballs are these? Hey I think these our mine." And they were. The boulder that Chopper attacked was very bad idea because even more water came rushing in. It started to get higher and higher what's more water then when I was thinking the water was starting to come where Zane and I were. Zane and I gasped trying to beat the water.

"Chopper use Iron Tail again." So Chomper did it but it never worked. So Zane recalled chopper and sent out his Seabury. When I saw it I pulled out my Dex and it read "Seabury the water type Pokemon. This Pokemon doesn't evolve but it has very unique fins for it's like Vaporeon only it has two fins instead of hind feet and this is why it is so unique it can also breathe under water as well as on land."

"Okay Seabury go underwater and try to break the place where the water is coming from okay."

"Sea" she squeaked then she was gone. The water went from not very high to ankle high to knee high to waste high in fifteen minutes and Seabury was nowhere in sight. Then I heard a squeak and so did Zane because he asked if I had heard something and sure enough there was Seabury just then the water was pulling us, it went faster and faster then we were about to go underwater so we held our breath. When the water died down and Zane and I could breathe again it was when we were outside again Zane returned his Seabury. Just then something big knocked me down and it's breath stank and it was trying to eat me.

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