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On a dark and stormy night, a lonely Aisha sat, gazing out the wet window, wondering when his father would return from his aunt's funeral. Domino (the spotted Aisha) had been left for the evening to care for his baby sister Avery until his father returned. It was getting late and the storm was growing stronger.

"It shouldn't be much longer Avery." Domino checked his watch, 7:58pm. "He said he would be home by 9 o'clock, so we should watch a movie while we wait." Domino sat Avery in her playpen and handed her her favorite babaa plushie. He popped in a movie about friendly grundos and evil fuzzles. Avery sat nibbling on her plushie and proceeded to drool down her chin.

A few minutes into the movie Domino was startled by a loud thud on the living room window. Domino was so consumed in his movie and so shocked he let out a little screech. He threw his blanket over his head and found himself panting for air.

"What... What's wrong with me, this is crazy" he thought to himself. He couldn't believe a little noise would frighten him. He peaked out from under the blanket and then abruptly tossed it to the floor. He stood up bravely, glancing at his sister who had fallen asleep in the playpen. He went to the window and peered out. There was a dark smudge on the window and what appeared to be fur atop the rose bushes in the trellis. "Must have been petpet lost in the storm." He was pacified for the moment.

The moment didn't last long. The storm began to grow stronger than any normal storm. Domino ducked under a table as a tree branch crashed through the back window. He grabbed his little sister from her playpen and went to their parents bedroom where she would be safer. The curtains were drawn to but Domino could still see the sky and light outside turning a dingy shade of green grey. Sticks, leaves, and trash were blowing down the street. There were no cars, no other Neopets. A lone warf was left outside of a Neohome and he was struggling to avoid the rain bombarding him. Domino felt sad for the warf as he watched him shiver and hunker down with each bolt of lightning. Just then Domino heard a maniacal laugh bellowing from the end of his street. He moved toward the window slowly, checking for any flying branches, and was able to peek around the curtain and the side of the building.

What Domino saw petrified him. He was locked in his spot, his knees buckled under him and he stumbled. "Oh man, oh man, Avery. I think that's..." He focused on a dark silhouette floating above one of his neighbors homes. The figure was fairly small, it had wings and horns, and a swarm of barbats surrounding it. Barbats were dispersing from the form and flying through the vicinity. They would return within a few moments carrying shiny objects. Mirrors, knives, car parts. A pile was forming at it's feet.

Domino could hear the sound of glass breaking downstairs. "A barbat must have came in the broken window." He cracked his parents bedroom door. "All's clear" he called back to his sleeping sister. He knelt down and quietly snuck around to the staircase. He peeked around the corner and could see the barbat scavenging inside the kitchen cabinets. All of the silver was on the floor with the pots and pans. Domino was trying so desperately to keep quiet but he couldn't stop it, he sneezed. The barbat turned toward him, it's eerie eyes glowing, fangs sharp, wings fluttering rapidly. It shrieked at Domino, Domino shrieked back. The barbat flew straight at Domino, knocking him back onto the ground. "Get out of my house" he yelled at the strange creature. The barbat let out a loud growl, summoning 5 more barbats.

Domino was able to stand and run toward the living room. He found his father's broom leaning against a chest in the hallway. He grabbed it as he ducked behind the couch. "I have to keep them down here, away from Avery." He clutched the broom to his chest, his back against the back of the couch. He sighed. The barbats bombarded the room a few seconds later. Domino stood, he held the broom high, taking long sweeps of the intruders. Now, his back was against the front window. The last barbat dove at him, Domino swung and the barbat landed in the fireplace. It sizzled and charred instantly.

Just then, the front door swung open. Domino was hoping to see his father, to know it was over and he was protected. But, instead, it was the dark figure he saw at the end of the street. It came closer toward him. Domino held the broom at chest level. The light from the fireplace fell on the being's face. Domino hissed "VIRA!".

"Well hello child" Vira, the vengeful Acara cursed for her vanity and evil mastermind. She hovered over Domino, her blood red eyes staring him down. "You must be wondering what I'm doing in your little Neovillage, hmm? Well, you see, I've come to rid you, your homes, and your families of all their shiny mirrors and polished metals. You see, if I can't be my once beautiful, glorious self, none of you shall know the privilege of your ordinary appearances."

"You can't just take away our self love Vira. You may not love who you are anymore, but even if I never see my own reflection again, I know who I am and I'm happy with who I am."

Vira darted angrily around the living room, through the kitchen, and back. She flew so close to Domino that the force knocked him back. She rummaged through the house smashing glass and dismantling any metallic objects she could find. Domino stood in shock. He had to distract her, but how. What could he use to deter her destruction and send her packing for good. Domino remembered the lonely warf outside, fending off barbats, and he wondered if Vira was afraid of petpets. Domino rushed outside and freed the warf from his leash. Together than ran back toward the house. Just as they reached the front door a large barbat rushed down and took a bite out of Domino's neck. He whined in pain. The warf jumped onto the barbat and knocked it off of Domino. "It's okay little one, thanks." Domino pat the warf on the head, "Now, let's get rid of Vira".

Domino and his warf friend dashed into the house. Domino's left shoulder was still throbbing. "Vira, you can't control us, you can't destroy us. I'm not afraid of you, I feel sorry for you, now leave."

Vira cackled evilly. "That's so touching but you won't get rid of me that easily." Vira pulled out a hexed mirror from her pocket and flashed the reflection into Domino's eyes. "Look into the mirror darling, see who you truly are."

Domino refused, he turned to the warf and gave a little whistle. The warf jumped at Vira and latched his teeth into her wrist. She dropped the magical mirror and it slid across the floor to Domino. He picked it up and turned it toward her. "Let's see if it works on you!."

Vira, never being able to resist her own reflection, immediately locked eyes with her own likeness. Her body grew limp, her eyes softened, and the warf let go of her arm. She was paralyzed. Domino willed Vira into the mirror, he wanted to lock her away, with herself. A light emerged from the mirror, a dark green grey light, and engulfed Vira. Out the back window Domino could see the barbats scattering, flying off, away from the town. Vira's body briefly dematerialized into shining particles and vaporized into the mirror's surface. Domino placed the mirror into his jacket pocket and ran upstairs to check on his sister, warf on his heels.

She was still asleep. Safe and sound. She will be able to grow, and love herself, and be proud of who she is. Domino planned to tell his dad what happened when he got home. He knew he wouldn't believe him just on his word, he was glad he had the mirror for proof. He would convince his dad to let him take a trip into Altador to the Hall of Heroes where he can drop off the mirror and Vira. He knew she was a strong villain and would eventually find a way out of her own spell but for know she was trapped. And Domino's lovely little neighborhood would live to love another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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