Skumps - Sleeping Beauty

827 3 0

[King Hubert:]  Skumps!

[King Stefan:]  Skumps!

[King Hubert:]  Skumps!

[King Stefan:]
A toast to this night!

[King Hubert:]
The outlook is rosy,

[King Stefan:]
But the future is bright,

Our children will marry,
Our kingdoms unite,
Skumps! Skumps! Skumps!

[King Stefan:]  Skumps!

[King Hubert:]  Skumps!

[King Stefan:]
A toast to the home!

[King Hubert:]
One grander by far than a palace in Rome!

[King Stefan:]
Ah, let me fill up your glass,
That glass was all foam!

Skumps! Skumps! Skumps!

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