Alone in the cold

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"Zeke wait!" Rex shouted, reaching for him as he ran into a cave with Pandoria following close behind.
"It sounded like someone was in danger, I have to save the-!"
Rocks fell in front of the cave entrance, trapping Zeke and Pandoria in the cave.
"Hm... This isn't much of a cave, more like a little divot in the wall. Pandy are you alright?"
"Yes I am, my prince", she said with a yawn.
"So the Zekenator was tricked once again..."
"Yes you were. You need a lucky charm or something, how are we gonna get out?"
"The same way we rescued the miners. Wulfric will lift the rock."

They waited a few minutes.

"They sure are taking their sweet time aren't they?" Pandoria asked, sighing.
"Unfortunately" Zeke yawned, "It's getting late. Looks like we'll have to sleep on the floor."
"Ugh, I guess we have to..."
They lie down a few feet apart, Pandoria shivering. Zeke notices and sighs.
"Pandy, come over here."
She gets up and walks over to him. "Yes my prince, are you scared to sleep in a cave?"
"Lay down, Pandy." He says sternly.
Pandoria hesitates, but lays down next to him.
"I noticed you were cold." He says softly, pulling her into a cuddle. "I'll keep you warm, Pandy."
She blushes a bit, but snuggles into his chest, falling asleep within seconds.

Zeke was the first to wake up in the morning. He was still laying with Pandoria, only he was in a bed this time. He looked around and realized he was in Tantal's inn. He looks out the window, it's still dark, then he looks back to Pandoria who's sleeping peacefully. He closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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