Saturday Night at the mall<3

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Mel and Laith were already awake. She was cooking breakfast and trying to teach Laith. He was clueless. "Laith,Just crack the egg and don't get any shell in it." She giggled. "But it's hard!" Laith whined. "Just-Give it to me!" She said and took the egg. She cracked it into the bowl and whisked them. "You're great at cooking. I suck." He sighed. "Stop lying! You don't suck!" She said,patting his head. "Hmph. I'm gonna go get changed. " He said and walked off. "Alright." She continued cooking bacon,Eggs,biscuits,and chocolate gravy. Jared and Ny came in the kitchen and sat down at the island. "Good morning." Nylah said. Jared was still half asleep. "Good morning. Jared wake up!" Melissa said before pouring a cup of water on his head. He woke up. "I hate you." He said through a yawn. "Well,You should be awake. " Mel said,continuing to cook. Nylah ruffled his hair. Jared yawned once again and kissed her cheek. "Your breath stinks!" Nylah screeched. "I don't care. I'm still gonna kiss you." He snickered. "I'm sure yours does too Nylah." Mel said jokingly. Jared and Ny went to change and bush their teeth and get ready. Mel put 4 servings of food on some plates. After everyone was done getting ready,They came back in the kitchen and ate.

10 minutes later. "Y'all ready to go?" Laith asked. "I reckon so." Nylah replied. They all got in Jared's F150 And Drove to the mall. They arrived and walked in. "So do you guys wanna Split u-" Laith got interrupted by Mel pulling him off to Forever 21. She said,"Cmon! We gotta get stuff before other people snatch it!" "No ones gonna snatch it!" Laith Snickered. "I still wanna go right now!" She giggled.

They left Jared and Ny together. Jared looked at Nylah and asked,"Wanna go to hot topic?".   "Yeah!" Ny smiled and took his hand.   They walked to hot topic.   An hour later after everyone was done shopping, they went to the food court.   They sat down at a table.  "Why did you just get socks?" Mel asked Laith.   He replied,"Because Socks are sacred. Aaaannd,It's getting colder so..".  She giggled,"Soon it'll be snowing!"     "Mhm!" He smiled.   Mel looked at Jared.   "What did you guys get?" She said,before sipping lemonade.  "Uh,Panic!At the disco, MCR,BTS,TØP,Hoodies.   I'm just gonna cut the sleeves off." Jared replied. "Then why even get hoodies?  I mean..You could've got tank tops."  She yawned.  "Don't question me." He replied. "I can't even remember what I got.  Plus,I'm too lazy to look." Nylah said.   "Mood." Laith said.    "Hey,Have you Talked to Rylin?!"  Mel asked,excited.   "Rylin?   That came out of no where..." Ny sighed.  "Just answer me,Please..?" Mel whined.   "Okay. She's been in the city. Apparently,Tory ran off again." Nylah answered.   "He always does that." Mel mumbled.    Jared got up and stretched.  "Hey,I'm gonna go get a tattoo." He said.   "But you already have one!" Ny said.  "Exactly,I want more." He replied, before kissing her.  He waved and walked off.   "Not even a bye or kiss my Butt. " Laith Snickered.   "That's Jared for you. " She yawned and continued,"I've gotta get home..Pop's gonna kill me."   "But,You can stay with us!  We don't mind.." Laith Said,smiling.  "...Okay." She sighed and laid her head in his lap.   "Just rest you pickle." Laith patted her head.  "..Since when Am I a pickle,Huh?" Mel raised back up and looked at him.   Nylah laughed and said,"Why  you guys precious?"      "Huh?" They said in unison.   "I mean..You both act like a couple.." Nylah mumbled.  "..No we don't!" They said in unison again.  "Yeah you do! It's precious!" Nylah Snickered.   Jared came back 10 minutes later.  "What'd ya get?" Nylah said,Excitedly. "A wilting Rose." He replied,pulling his sleeve up to show her.  "Oh nice!" She smiled.   Mel fell asleep.   Jared looked at her and asked,"You guys wanna go home?" "Sure." Laith said.   Nylah agreed.    Laith picked Mel up and they went home. Laith sat down with Mel's head in his lap. He covered her up with a blanket.   "I'm kinda tired now.." He yawned.   "Then sleep." Ny was taking her new clothes out of her bags.  She looked at him and he was already asleep.  Jared took his clothes and threw them into the washer. He walked over to Ny and hugged her. "I love you." Nylah said and hugged him back.  "I love you too." He kissed her.  She returned the kiss and broke his hug.  "I'm gonna go get a bath." She said.   "..Mkay." He took her new clothes and put them in the washer as well.

Time skip brought to you by Cate dropping their phone after receiving a funny role play text.

Jared changed into some pajama pants.   Ny came in the bed room already changed.  "Wanna Netflix and chill tomorrow?" She asked.  "Sure." Jared yawned and laid down.    She flopped on top of him. He put his arms around her and fell asleep.  So did she.

Word count:A perfect 860 ,w,
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.    Please vote and Leave some ideas! I'd rlly appreciate it! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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