.:Chapter 1 - The beginning of it all:.

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Everyone was minding their own business one morning. I was just doodling and Tammy was doing god knows what. Around noonish (this didnt happen around then but ya know :p), Ash comes bursting through the door with bags from [f/s: favorite store] in both his hands. I took out one of my ear buds and look at him confused, "What the hell man, my door!!" i shouted since there was still loud music coming from the other bud that was still in my ear. "Wheres Tam?! This is important!" Ash looked around frantically with the bags still in his hands. "Im right here-" Tammy sat up-right in a pile of blankets, but was cut off by Ash pulling her out of the blanket pile and sat her right next to me. He backed up and finally dropped the bags. "What that?" I said, pointing to the bags. "Close your eyes" He answered, "It's a surprise!" Tammy shruged and closed her eyes as Ash had instructed. I did the same feeling very calm but anxious at the same time. "What could it be?" I thought. I could here the crinkling of the bags as I thought out ideas of what it could be. "Cookies? Brownies? Chicken nuggets? Tooth necklaces??" I felt something in my hands. It felt kinda soft but also very silkyon another side. Resting on the side of my leg, I could fell the same soft texture that was in my hands but it was bulky; as if stuffed with plush stuffing. After probably 5 minutes Ash spoke up again. "Ok, open up!!" At the same time, Tammy and I opened our eyes. I looked down to see a Dark Blue onsie which had Yellow skale-like cut outs down the back and...tail?? why a tail?? I held it up in front of me. It was a onsie, a dino onsie. "...Why this?" Tammy said under her breath. Hers looked like a T-Rex; Mint Green with lighter green skales from the head to tail. I looked uo from Tammy to Ash who was already in his. It was somewhat of a Pastel Green with Yellow skales. "Put em on! Tell me what you think!!" He said super excited, more excited then I was. This should be fun..

((328 words, jesus crist!! And i started working on this chapter yesterday!! Also when i write this story, i start out in my phone notes then copy + paste onto here to save time :>))

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