Chapter 4.2 - Lues

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We arrive at the city square around noon, the sun beams down through a clear sky.

I dismount my horse and walk up to the stage. My sister stands close to me, her eyes constantly scanning the crowd for threats. Guards escort Amalia to stand behind my council. More guards are standing all around the podium to make sure the crowd doesn't get too close.

"People of Feralis. Today is a day of joy, celebration, and rest. It is a day to take a break from the tribulations of war. In a few hours we will go back to the castle together for the tournament in honor of my name-day. I hope to see all of you there," I say to the crowd, and immediately they quiet so they can hear my words. "In the last battle we won a great victory against the Holy Collective that would take our freedoms and lives away from us. Our soldiers stood proudly against the ambro queen and her armies. Though it is a joyous occasion, we are still at war, and yesterday there were losses on both sides. I'd like to take a moment, to give you the names of the brave soldiers of Feralis who lost their lives to defend this kingdom, and together we will honor them..."

"...Major Zax," I pause after reading the last name, to look out to my people. For a minute we stand there in silence. "Although these brave soldiers have gone to the shadow realm to rest at last, we must not remember them in sorrow. We must honor them by showing that we are just as brave as they were in their final moments. Today is not a celebration for me, but a celebration of those brave soldiers who will fight on in the names of the fallen!"

"For the fallen!" the crowd cheers back to me, but from my vantage I can see some not joining in. From the shadows, one of these rogues calls out.

"You dare to say you honor them! You who have their killer on that podium with you, and not to kill her. No, why would you? The people who died are just pawns to him, don't be blinded by his pretty words. He killed those soldiers, him and the miri witch. He claims to care for our kingdom, but he refuses to cede his power to the rightful queen of Feralis. Ilena Conclamata is the only queen I recognize, the only one who will do what's best for the people and not herself."

I hear my sister sending her trusted lieutenant, Katlyn Marx, to take the man away.

"For the rightful queen! Long live the queen!" Others in the crowd join in with the rebels. Suddenly flames and earth combine into an explosive in the sky above the crowd, I see hands raised to the sky, magic swirling through the air.

I spread my palm and crush my fingers into a fist, focusing on the mass. It shrinks to the size of a pea, and I toss it into the sky with my magic as quickly as I can. The magic explodes into a beautiful and deadly display. The shadows on the plaza ripple as a shield of darkness wraps up the explosion and forces it to disappear. The rebels and would be bombers are quickly taken into custody by the royal guard.

I glance at my sister, she looks like she hasn't moved an inch since the commotion started. Amalia Crestman is staring wide eyed into the crowd. Damn it all to the Shadow Realm, now she has her crack in the mask.

"Citizens of Moor, I must ask you to please stay calm," I shout to the crowd. "These terrorists will be dealt with, but in the mean time we have to show them that we are not afraid of them. They wish to inspire fear and terror in our hearts, but we cannot let them. They say they fight for the people, then they try to harm you, I say we tell them that's not how you win a kingdom. Let's show them what Feralis is made of."

"Long live the king!" The crowd shouts cheerfully. I know that those terrorists have already won though, because there are fewer people cheering than before.

We get back on our horses, and the procession continues back to the castle. The crowds are more subdued this time though, and I can sense the fear. My sister has more royal guards beside us now. As she watches the crowd she listens to Katlyn Marx's reports. She nods every once in a while. I try my best to put on a smile and wave to the crowd.

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