Chapter 2

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"I'm a what?!" Makayla shouted in disbelief. There is no way that she was related to him, let alone him be her father. 'Mama would have told me!' She thought

"There must be some kind of mistake," Makayla said getting control over herself and sitting back down from where she shot up. "There is now way he is my dad"

"I'm afraid so-"

"Where's the proof," she said cutting him off, "Where are the test that show he is my father." Makayla laid back in her seat crossing her arms and looking at the lawyer and waiting for the evidence.

Mitch pulled a few papers from his briefcase and slid them over to Makayla. She picked them up and started reading through them; they were emails from her mother and Jared. Telling him how he was Makayla's father and that they needed help. Of course, he denied it and said she was lying just to get money from him and demanded a DNA test. The next paper was the test stating that Jared Padalecki, was indeed, her father.

The last email was from her mother saying if she were to pass before Makayla was 18 that Jared would have legal rights of her and she is to live with him. He agreed, but he wanted to focus on his career and would help financially. He didn't want nothing else to do with her and her mother.

That last email was sent 10 years ago.

Makayla looked on shocked. She couldn't, wouldn't, believe this. She threw the papers down and started pacing the floor.

"After reading that, you really expect me to jump with joy? Excited I get to see my actual father?," Makayla seethed look at Mitch who was still seated in the chair watching as she paced around the room away from her mother.

" I know your not happy with this arrangement but-"

"Happy?! That bastard didn't want to see me even after he knew I existed! He would have rather been off drunk and getting off with some slut because he wanted to focus on his career!," Makayla was shouting now, she didn't care who heard her, she was beyond angry, she was furious.

"I could've had a father in my life! Someone I could feel protected by, could've taught me things only dads could teach! But no! He wanted nothing to do with and I'm just suppose to be okay with that?! Well you thought wrong!" She was crying now. How could someone who was supposed to be her everything treat her as if she is nothing? Was she not important enough? Was she not even worth seeing or knowing?

Makayla went back to where she was seated across from the lawyer and stayed quiet for another few minutes while she cried, which she was thankful for. When she composed herself enough she looked at Mitch and sighed.

"Since it's for mama I'll do it. But not until after her funeral," she told Mitch "It's going to be held in Ohio where she was born because that's where most of our family is and she would've wanted them in attendance"

"Of course, I'll arrange everything for her body to be flown over and I'll get you your plane ticke-"

"Oh, I'm not riding on a plane. I'm driving up there in my car where I know I have control of where I'm going and I'm not surrounded by assholes" she said handing Mitch back the paper. He took the papers, put them back in his briefcase and nodded his head.

They say and talked about the funeral arrangements and everything else. When they were done discussing what needed to be done makayla walked him to the door and they both said their goodbyes. Makayla went back to sit with her mother and grabbed her hand again. She was cold.

"Ma, why didn't you tell me I had a dad? Maybe if you did I wouldn't... I wouldn't feel like I am now." Makayla stay there holding her mothers' hand until she was told she had to leave. She drove back to the hotel she would be staying in for the night.

Makayla locked the door and threw her stuff on the floor where it will stay until they tell her that her mother has been transported. She laid there on her bed trying to see what her kid is going to be like for the next year.

Is his wife nice? Will they like her? Will they accept her into the family? So many questions went through Makayla's head that she had almost missed her phone ringing. Makayla went to pick it up but it stop ringing telling her she missed the call. She looked at it and saw it was from Mrs. Carver. Right, she forgot to tell her what happened.

Makayla called Mrs. Carver back and she picked up on the first ring,

"Makayla! Hun, where did you go?! I went to get you and the kids told me that you just ran out the house;" she said in a worried tone. "Is everything alright dear?" Makayla looked at her clock and it read 1:30AM. Wow, she must've been real worried. Makayla then told Mrs. Carver everything that has happened today though she didn't go into much detail. They talked for another few minutes and and then they both bid their goodbyes.

As Makayla hung up the phone she couldn't help but think of the kids at Mrs. Carvers house and how much she'll miss them. They were all like little brothers and sisters she never knew she wanted. Tears streamed down her face again thinking about all the things that she is going to miss when she has to go away. The kids at the Cavers, Mr and Mrs. Carver, Her friends, her school.

Makayla fell asleep that night with tears in her eyes and her mom on her mind.

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