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Seidou Takizawa helped in eradicating the Dragon Orphans that were pestering Tokyo. He made a commitment that this will be his last contribution as part of Goat before cutting ties to any ghoul or human and that includes Amon Kotaro and Akira Mado. They were his colleagues back when he was a ghoul investigator who worked tirelessly for the CCG. He'd known and worked with them, especially with Akira who was also his former schoolmate and rival in academics. He admitted how jealous he was of her because of her perfection. He knew in the back of his mind that he can't beat her but what he didn't expect was for him to develop romantic feelings towards her. Today, those feelings will remain hidden and will die. He just wants to forget about her. He figured that his feelings for Akira was intoxicating him so he needs to leave all of it behind. He knew that confessing his feelings will lead him nowhere because the moment Akira Mado laid her icy blue eyes on Amon Kotaro, Takizawa knew that Amon will be her source of happiness forever and he was right.

Everyone was busy taking care of Kaneki and Ayato who both received multiple injuries and almost died from the last battle and Seidou thought that this will be a great opportunity for him to vanish without a clue because he hates goodbyes and he doubts he can face Amon and Akira's face for a farewell. Together with the other ghouls who helped in defending Tokyo, he stayed in the new headquarters building that the CCG offered Goat after the two groups joined forces to defeat Furuta Nimura. Seidou wanders the unfamiliar halls of the building until he stumbles upon the kitchen. The room was dark but he can sense that someone was in there so he turned on the light switch. The figure was not facing him but he knew that it belongs to Kurona Yasuhisa, another one eyed ghoul who has a deep hatred to Kanou. She was occupying one of the seats of the kitchen breakfast counter. Since he turned on the light switch, he figured that it would be rude of him to just leave without saying a word to her especially since she helped him in defeating a berserk Amon and saved them by using RC suppressants.

"Yo." Takizawa greeted nonchalantly. Kurona faced him and raised a wine glass in her hand.

"Yo Takizawa Seidou. Care to join?" Takizawa almost stopped in his tracks. Noticing the wine glass, he can now clearly smell some sort of wine scent wafting through the kitchen. Nevertheless, he continued approaching her and was seated beside her seconds later. There was an open wine bottle at the table. Judging on the amount left, he thought that she probably had taken 4 to 5 servings of the alcohol already.

"Is this your first time actually seeing blood wine?" Kurona mutters before laughing heartily.

"Maybe." Takizawa said before peering inside the bottle out of curiosity. It was definitely blood wine but that wasn't strange to him. Back when he was human, he always thought that ghouls can get drunk too like humans. What he found strange was Kurona Yasuhisa, the girl who has always been a quiet lone wolf, was now drunk and laughing heartily in front of him.

"This tastes like normal wine. I don't know how the hell they did it, but it does! I need to thank that redhead woman for giving me this." Kurona stated before drinking the contents of the wine glass. She grabs the bottle from Seidou and clumsily pours some more of it in the glass and spills some on the table.

"You are also Kanou's creation. Drink with me if you want." She stammers while persisting the wine glass to Takizawa. Sighing, Takizawa took the wine glass. He knows he can't handle too much alcohol but the drunk woman wouldn't stop nagging at him. He wholly drinks the wine and sets the glass down. Kurona clapped and laughed beside him.

"See! It's better to drink wine if you have a companion."

"Yeah but aren't you the lone wolf type?" Seidou questions.

"Wasn't til Shiro died." Kurona said before resting her head and arms on the table. Her shiny black hair cascaded down her shoulder to cover her face. It was obvious that Kurona was drunk and will soon pass out. He smirked and remembered that time when he, Amon and Akira went out for a drink. He and Akira were both drunk but Akira was worse. Amon had to take her back to her house because she couldn't barely stand up. Realizing that he was reminiscing a memory he had with Akira, he cursed under his breath.

Intoxicated - A Takizawa and Kurona StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu