Immortal Snowflake

390 13 1

-Jack pov-

Its been two months since I asked Elsa to marry me. And life has been going great. Me and Elsa had visited Anna's kids. And we also went and spread love and fun around.

I fly around with Elsa in my arms, and then I look down and see a familiar house. I fly down to the open window.

"Where are we Jack?" Asked Elsa.

"We are visiting a friend of mine. He was the first person to see me." I say as I walk through the window.

I see Jamie in his covers, I let go of Elsa. And I tap Jamie's shoulder. He slowly turns over and opens his eye's slowly.

He gasps and gets up quickly. He jumps up and hugs me.

"Your back!" He said.

I hug him back. "Ya I'm back."

He pulls away, "So what have you been up to Jack?"

I chuckle. "Well to start off, I found a girl. And I'm getting married to her." I say as I put my arm around Elsa.

I see Jamie's confused face.

"Jamie, this is my fiancee Elsa. She is the guardian of love. Also known as cupid." I say.

I see him close his eye's, and then open them. He gasps.

"Your pretty." He says.

I lift a brow. "Thank you. I'm Elsa. Its nice to meet you Jamie." Said Elsa.

He hugs her. "Its nice to meet you to Elsa."

I chuckle. "Jamie, I know she's beautiful. But she's mine."

He laughs and pulls away from the hug.

"Jamie, do you want to be at our wedding?" Elsa asked while leaning down so she was eye level with him.

His eye's shine and he nods and hugs us both.

We laugh. And hug him back.

We pull away and Jamie gets back in bed. He falls back asleep quickly, with a small smile on his face.

Me and Elsa fly out of the bedroom, and I head straight towards the clouds.

I look over at the moon and see Elsa do the same thing.

"Beautiful." She whispers.

I look back at her, "But their is something more beautiful in my arm's right now."

She blushes, and keeps looking at the moon. "Flattering me won't get you any farther than you already are in our relationship." She said.

I chuckle and smirk. "That's good to know that I've already won your heart already."

She laughs and looks at me. I smile softly. She leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. Our lips move together in a perfect movement.

She nibbles my bottom lib. I gasp. I pull away from the kiss and look at her questionably. I notice her eye's are bright blue, and they have small snowflakes in them. She blinks and looks at me and smiles.



"I want to try something."

"What do you wanna try Elsa?" I ask.

She creates a small blizzard under her feet and keeps herself up right. She pulls away from me and hold out her hand.

"Put your hand a few inches on top of mine." She instructs.

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