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Human Name - Kamilla Steilsson

Place of Representation - Grímsey Island

Age - 16-17 Years

Gender - Female

Appearence - She has tousled silver-white hair that curls inwards at the ends with bangs that fall into her eyes. Her eyes are a light violet. However, in her right eye, she sports a small lightning bolt-like fleck of lavender. Her skin is a milky cream colour.

Attire - She wears a deep brown military jacket, a white dress with a ribbon tie underneath, deep brown straight-legged pants, and white half-laced boots. She also sports a pair of white gloves.

Personality - She appears relatively cool and composed on the surface, but is warmer and passionate deep down. She tries to appear mature but actually still has a childish and immature side to herself. Being a very introverted and secretive person, a small group of people know how she actually works. These people being her family alone. She is slow to trust people in fear of them breaking her, and is cautious of strangers. She hates wearing revealing clothing, and if caught in a skirt that doesn't fall to her knees, she will pull it down constantly while scowling and shouting insults at you.

Passions - Like the rest of the Nordics, she is skilled at chess. She's very fond of licorice and hot springs along with her brother, Emil. Most of the time she is found inside her room lying in a pile of sheets poreing her eyes over her laptop screen. Without Wifi, she is doing the exact same thing except replace the laptop with a book or sleeping. She has a relationship with food, thus she worships Fridge.

Others - Unlike most, she has a determined brith date, which is November 11th, 1024. She can speak Icelandic (obviously), Norsk, Dansk, Swedish, and some Finnish. English is her sixth tongue, and she is somewhat fluent despite her problems with pronouncing H's. 

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