I wanna dance with somebody

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Blaine changes out of his workout outfit, exchanging his white muscle shirt and grey joggers for a black T-shirt and blue jeans. Slinging the strap of his duffle bag over his shoulder he exits the changing room.

"Blaine? Blaine!" A voice echoed off the walls, making it louder then anticipated. Blaine whips around with his hand clutching the strap of his bag, ready to run. A tall boy in a Dalton Academy blazer is running towards him smiling.

"Sebastian? What are you doing here?" He loosens his grip on the bag slightly.

"I'm here to see-" Sebastian stops to catch his breath from running "To see the sexiest guy I know." Blaine chuckles almost inaudibly.

"What's the real reason?"

"Remember how I joined that dance studio?" Sebastian asks, finally breathing normally. Blaine nods, raising a questioning eyebrow at his friend. "Well, Ms. July saw our little dance skit from that one weekend, you remember that weekend right?"

"Of course! That was the best party that Nick ever threw!" They both laughed and nodded, remembering the weekend.

"Anyways, Ms. July wants you to come dance for her studio. She says that she needs 'new talent.' " Sebastian bends his fingers, the quote gesture " I think she wants to get rid of some less talented dancers." Sebastian smirks, handing Blaine a flyer for Ms. Cassandra July's Prestigious Dance Studio.

"I am amazed that you managed to turn the news about some dance studio into your petty gossip." Blaine jokes, skimming his eyes over the flyer. 'All genre of dance' really stood out for him.

"My gossip is not petty!"

"It is. Embrace it, Sebastian." Blaine laughs. He folds the paper and unzips his bag so he can save it for later.

"So will you join?"

"I dont know, Seb' it seems out of my league. Too professional. I don't think-" Blaine rubs the back of his neck, his voice trailing off.

"Just come to a couple practices, if you don't like it then you don't have to stay."

"What if I like it?" Blaine asks, walking towards the parking lot with Sebastian on his tail.

"Then you join." Sebastian smirks.

When Blaine reached his car the pair said their good-byes and went their separate ways. Blaine was seriously considering attending the dance studio, but he was also weary.

I wanna dance with somebodyWhere stories live. Discover now