Chapter 2

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Sirena POV

My mother is an office assistant but when not needed in the office she works as a teacher. I totally forgot when I heard her telling dad that for a month she'll be working as a substitute teacher at a college. I didn't get to hear which college because then her phone rung and she said she'd tell him later.

If I'd known it was this college I would have done everything not to let her see me. I bet this was her plan to not only torment me at the house but also at school.
Just great, she took another thing that made me happy from me.

" its nice to see that you have finally decided to join class miss McDonald " she said in a fake overly sweet voice, but I still saw the hatred in her eyes.

" sorry I'm la- ", I didn't get to finish because she interrupted me.

" no need for excuses miss McDonald you have already received two hours detention, now take your seat".

I was only 1 minutes late!!!

I stood at the door in shock, never have i gotten a detention or any punishment for that matter but not even a full day she's here and she already took two things from me, one of my favourite classes and my clean school record.

I quickly got over my shock and took my seat.

" now class before I was so rudely interrupted, we were discussing the benefit of letting out our pent up anger in a positive way".

Hearing her say that made me want to let out my anger by smashing her disastrous looking face in with my desk. I smirked at the idea , oh how I would enjoy that.

" now class get to your positions and do your favorite yoga poses and try to relax". As I was about to get in position she said,

" not you miss McDonald, you stand aside, only early students get to relax", all while saying this she tried hard to hide her obvious evil smile. The class started to laugh at me as I stood aside and this only seemed to make her smile grow bigger.

' witch ' I thought as I watched that I was the only one missing out. Then a boy came in the class 30 minutes pass the hour and she just told him its alright and to join the class.

I gritted my teeth in anger and and started glaring  at her.

How could she!? I came earlier yet I got detention and to stay on the sidelines, yet he got an ' alright' and to join the class. I sighed knowing there's nothing I could do, my life just seems like one big rollercoaster ride.


I didn't really enjoy my next class because I was busy trying not to think about the hell I go through daily. The tears threatened to come but due to practice over the years I was able to suck it up and last till the end of class.

It was lunch time and I was headed to the one place where I know I can relax and be myself, a place where I can be someone else for an hour and that place was the Library.

I hurriedly gather my belongings and headed to the library. While passing the cafeteria my stomach growled reminding me that I only ate half an apple this morning and now I'm hungry. I forced myself forward towards the Library be cause I know that today like every other day I didn't get lunch money.

Reaching the library I saw my friend, the librarian , Mrs. Hayle. She's seventy years old and she's my only friend in this entire school. To me she's my real mom because she took me in and treated me like her own because due to some womb complications she couldn't have kids but she's happily married.

"Hey miss hayle, how you doing toady?"

"I'm great my child just having a little headache but never been better."

"I told you to take it easy miss hayle, you work too hard." I said worriedly .

"Nonsense, I'm as strong as a horse and can manage anything, nothing and only you can hinder yourself from accomplishing your goals." She said with a smile. That's one of my favorite things about her, she's always so positive.

" ok miss hayle , but still get some rest thou." I said smiling and walking to my favorite shelf. The fiction section, where I can be even a duchess or princess in my own world.

I started to read one of my favorites when I smelt some good homemade food, I looked and saw miss hayle with her lunch and turned to my book with a sigh. Its been a while since I had a good homemade food or any food for that matter.

"Here child" I heard miss hayle say, handing me a plate of food,

"No miss hayle its alright, I'm not hungry, eat." I lied, I didn't want her to starve herself for my sake.

"If your worried if I'm eating, I brought an extra dish just for you, so eat" she said with a kind smile.

I gladly took the dish from her and thanked her, just at that moment my stomach growled which had my face turning red and looking away in embarrassment.

"Ha ha" miss hayle laughed, "its seems like your beast haven't been fed for months" she said laughing.

I cracked a smile at that not because it was funny but because of the fact that she didn't know how accurate her words were.





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