Chapter 1

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Once again the first chapters might be a Lil cringe because I wrote this from 2020 and I'm too lazy to rewrite them. But it will get better .

    Sirena POV

"Sirena if you don't hurry up,I'm gonna leave you" shouted my tormentor .

If you are wondering who that is, it's my mother. I quickly put on my bag and ran downstairs.

"I'm here, just need to eat breakfast", I said but when I looked on the kitchen counter, I only saw one plate and that belongs to my younger sister, why am I not surprised?!.

" where's my breakfast mother?" I said trying my hardest not to show my distaste when saying the word mother.

" oh, I completely forgot about you, I'm sure you can go without breakfast,  your not doing anything to deserve it anyways" she said while walking towards the door.

"Oh, and you can't come with me, I have to pick up my friend tommy, so bye", she walked out and I waited until I heard her driving away to remove the 'I'm so happy with life' facade I put up when around her.

Everyday is the same thing, she only  cooks for her favorites and say she forgot about me her mistake.

The only time she treats me right is when father is home. I tried once to tell him about what she does when he's on business trips but blinded by love and her 'generous' deeds she does when he's around, he didn't believe me. I thought he was my friend but lately he's been making her influencing him to hit me too.

Only my sibling understand  me.

I just took out the other half of apple I left last night from my dinner and with a sad smile on my face went through the door and headed to school.

My name is Sirena McDonald, I'm 18 years old , going to Max College to fulfil my dream of being a counselor and a medical doctor; welcome to hell I call my life.


I reached to school late purposely to avoid being seen especially by my bullies. When I first came to this college, I came with a big red bruise on my arm and a black eye. My mother had beaten me the night before because she thought I was the one who told father about her smoking and drinking, she didn't listen to my explanation. She told me if anyone asked about my bruise, I should say that I am a prostitute and I just had one of many rough nights.

I didn't want to say that but she came with me and made sure that I did or else I won't be sleeping in the house the night. Needless to say the word got around and now everyone scorns me saying their afraid they'd catch STD and bullies bully me just because they can. My life is hell and I can't wait the day I just get away from it all.

I grabbed my books and headed to my first class, yoga. I love this class because other than my real home, the library, where I can just read and forget about everything for an hour, yoga helps me relax and be at peace, it helps me think and relax my tight muscles. It was a new course offered by the school to help the students 'unwind' or whatever.

I walked inside the class but not expecting to see what I saw. This must be a dream, it can't be real, no! Not one of the things that makes me happy. I rubbed my eyes and thought maybe I'm not seeing right, I even pinched my self in case this was a dream. But when I opened my eyes I still saw it, I still saw my living nightmare teaching my yoga class, and to make it worse my nightmare looked me in the eye, raised an eyebrow and smirked evilly.





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