Love Story- A short story based off of Taylor Swift's hit song.

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I walked into school, wearing my usual jeans and a t-shirt. I saw my best friend Krissy and then my other friends, Kandice and Abigail. We went back to our lockers where we gossiped about who was going out with who, the new hot teacher and how my ex-boyfriend was dating a nerd. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone. He looked like a stranger, yet so familiar.


            “You’re so beautiful,” The mysterious boy whispered to me. We had met in the teen club, where a big birthday party was for one of my friends. This was a new boy, but I could barely see him. I could hear my friends looking for me, but I didn’t care anymore. I was falling for this boy who I hadn’t even seen. If he was ugly at this point, I didn’t care about my reputation.

            “You can’t even see me,” I giggled. The club was extremely dimmed and you could only see each other at the ‘Soda Bar” as they called it.

            “What I mean, is that you’re beautiful on the inside. But beautiful girl, I must go. Don’t worry, we will see each other again soon,” He whispered.           

            “Please don’t leave me,” I whimpered. “I haven’t met anyone that I clicked with this much in a long time. I need you. At least give me your phone number please,” He grabbed my phone and quickly put his number in. He kissed my cheek softly and then whisked away. I looked at him when there was little light and he looked back. I saw his face for but a second and then he took off.

I looked down at my phone, curious to know what the contact name would be. Instead of a name, it was just :). I groaned, mentally slapping myself for not getting his name. I walked over to the soda bar, grabbed my bag and left. I wasn’t really in the mood to party anymore, knowing that I couldn’t be with who I really wanted to be with right now.

**End of flashback**

            “Julia…Julia..Jules…JULIA!” Kandice yelled. I jumped back. How long did I faze out for?

            “What?” I snapped impatiently. I love my friends but sometimes they were SO dependent on me.

            “We were asking…why did you leave Brandy’s party on Saturday night? We were looking for you for two hours ‘til we noticed your bag was gone,” They all narrowed their eyes at me.

            “Um…I was, er, feeling sick,” I lied quickly. I looked back to where I had seen mystery boy, and he was gone of course. “Hey, I gotta go do some, er, homework in homeroom. Catch up with you guys later!” I waved and ran off, trying to find mystery boy. Fifteen minutes later, I hear the warning bell and still no sign of him. ‘He must be at the guidance office,’ I thought. Oh well, maybe he’ll be in some of my classes.

            By the time seventh period came around, I had given up on trying to find my mystery man. I sighed and flopped down in anatomy. This was my only class where I had basically no friends. Everyone knew me, but they were all too scared to work with me. Probably because this was my only AP class and all of my friends were basically dumbasses. I still love them, but they honestly need to learn how to…learn.

            I usually work alone in this class, even though it’s a partner class. All we do is put together this mannequin, take pictures and tada! You got an A!

            Someone plopped down next to me as I was looking through my album of my mannequin. I looked over and gasped instantly. It was my mystery man! He looked over back and me and I blushed instantly. Gosh, I barely know him and he can make me turn beet red!

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