A kiss

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Matts pov

Once out of the car joba told me he was gunna head home and that maybe he wasn't in the right mood to skate. I began walking back towards where I had left Ian and jaden when joba called after me.

"Hey matt. Erm can I get your number, maybe I can join you guys skating some time?"

I was left shocked. Doesn't he have Ian's number? They're obviously friendly with eachother so why would he need mine? Passing up on an opportunity to talk to joba wasn't something I was planning on doing so I stopped in my tracks, doing a 180 back towards the taller boy.

"Yeah here you go" I passed him across my phone which had my number on screen, he quickly typed it in to his cracked iPhone before shoving mine back towards me, quickly pulling me in.

His arms felt so strong around my small frame and his height was perfect for me to rest my head into his chest so I could hear his heart beat. It was going pretty fast and his grip on me tightened, it felt as if there was no more space to fill almost like we were as close as possible to eachother. I let my arms snake around his hips, pulling his lower half closer to me, Mealting into him. The embrace lasted longer than I thought it would. We were just stood there for what was proberbly 30 seconds just hugging eachother. I know he was emotional about his break up but I couldn't help but think about how safe It feels when his arms are around me, how completely infatuated I was with him in this moment, completely ignoring the idea that this may just be happening because he's emotional.

When joba finally pulled away he gave me a large toothy smile which I reciprocated, hoping he couldn't see the blush that was forming on my cheeks. His large hand reached up towards my beanie, twisting it slightly so the logo was perfectly centred, slowly he pulled his hand away, grazing my Cheek accidentally on the way Down. There was nothing intention or meaning to it but the heat on my face increased.

"I'll text you later matt" he said, and with that he swung open his car door, getting in swiftly and began pulling away.

Walking back over to Ian and jaden I kept my head down, trying to avoid them seeing my face for as long as possible because the rosey tint on my cheeks may have still been slightly visible. Once I was in front of Ian I dropped down onto the floor to join him where he was sat on a old wooden bench, adjusting my beanie A little, replicating the small twist of it that joba had preformed only a minute ago.

"Are you going to say thank you or what" Ian snickered, causing my fist to hit his arm lightly and a small giggle to escape my lips

"What happened then. Come on, tell us" the brown haired boy called as he skated towards the bench myself and his boyfriend were sat on.

"It was nothing really. We just sat in his car and he wrapped my hand. Afterwards we just had a hug and I gave him my number. He said he wanted to text me so we could all get together to skate" Ian's eyes grew wide when I finished speaking. He looked over at jaden, then shot his head staright back at me, whole body turning simultaneously with it.

"Joba has both our numbers, You know that right?" A large smirk appeared on as he slammed his hand down onto my knee, keeping a firm grip. A giggle spilled from his lips and he began shaking my leg excitedly "he's got a fucking crush on you matt"

There's no way in what fucking world would a man that hot be interested in me, I'm just some loser who got lucky and made a few friends, I'm no one special. Ian's lying to you, he just wants to make you feel better about having a crush on a fucking guy who had a girlfriend litterally this fucking morning

"You told me he was fucking straight" Ian became slightly startled from my sudden shouting, the whole park probably heard me but I didn't care, I was too invested in the convocation we were having and Ian's explanation for even thinking joba liked me.

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