I am serious p.1

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Sorry for not updating sooner, I made this a little longer for you guys, but here it is!
As usual I walk on the side walk going to school I woke up extra early since I thought I was late but alas I wasn't and just read the time wrong . I'm an hour early than my usual time 😣. So that means kuroko won't walk beside beside me . Which isn't bad . I'm not much of a talker in mornings like I said before so it will be awkward, even more since it's early . I take a breath of fresh air air , I've been walking for 15 minutes just taking in the view.
"It's nice early in the morning" I say looking to the side of me at the lights and trees .
"It's beautiful"
I screech when I see kuroko next to me "b-but I came e-ealier .."
I say in confusion , he looked at me then up ahead "I'm going to maji burger for breakfast" I 'oh'ed, but still.. isn't an hour too early? and looked up ahead too "what a coincidence that we both came out early" I stated smiling .
He nodded and softly smiled as well . We reach the place where we have to part ways, I start to walk towards the path that goes to the school "i-ill see you l-later" he looked at me when I started to turn away but he grabbed my sleeve and dragged me toward the fast food place .
"Kuroko?" I questioned him while he tugs me into the direction what I assume is maji burger . "Let's eat together " he answers not looking at me .


We reach the fast food place and go inside

We order and sit in our usual spot

"I'm glad I g-got to pay this time" I say in content knowing I paid him back for last time . Kuroko took a bite of his food and nodded "thank you" he thanked looking back at me .
I smile then took a bite out of my food as well ,


"I-im going to leave now" I say getting up dusting myself off, kuroko gets up as well.
"We still h-have some time, I'm gonna go explore around" I ask what he's going to do , "basketball court, you should come with me." He answers , but I shake my head, I don't really feel like doing that right now since it's too early. "I-I'm sorry.. maybe after school when our c-club ends..?" I suggest to him feeling bad about declining his offer, he nods and starts to walk away "it's a promise" .


I start to head towards the school when I heard screaming from a group of girls.
I start to get alarmed and quickly head to that direction, once I reach where the noise was I calm down and only see a group of girls following a blonde haired teen down the street, is...that a model? I start to walk back toward the school since I didn't like the noise when I saw a car going over the speed limit, but the model didn't seem to notice due to the fan girls behind him yelling out their love for him, my body instantly reacts and speeds towards him, "watch out!" I push him out of the way in time , he trips and hits the side walk. But a part of the car hits my side causing me to crouch down in pain, the girls and passerbys gasp in shock "kise-kun~!" They say in dispair, I clutch my side as the pain flows through my body , I grumble silently in pain, "M-Mm..". I feel a hand softly go on my shoulder, I look up to meet concern golden eyes , "hey are you alright? Thanks for saving me , should have been paying attention heh" he nervously laughed thanking me. I smiled "I-I'm fine, I'm glad y-your'e alright" he helped me up and notices my uniform and sports bag I had on me. "Oh! Your from siren right? What sports club are you in? From your bag I assume" he questioned, I look at him and notice his own uniform , I believe it's one of those top schools he might be in, "yes, I-I'm in the basketball club" I reply back and notice his eyes flicker an unknown emotion, he smiles brightly "I see, well I better get going to my school. I'll see you later!" He turns around and walks off , a small mob of fan girls following behind him. I rub my side and go to where my school is as well.

"Hey, wait!"

I hear from behind me . I stop an turn around to see the model.

" I never got your name!"

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