Broken II - Grayson

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*Graysons pov*
*Trigger warning suicidal*

Getting to the hospital they rush y/n into a room. And told me to wait in the waiting room. I take out the ring from my pocket and stare at it. Remembering how I had the proposal all thought out.

*1 hour later*

Some doctor comes out.

"Are you the boyfriend of Y/n" he asked.

"Yes, yes I am" I got up.

"Well, we did all that we could, I'm very sorry to inform you, she's dead" He said.

I felt my mind freeze. So confused why she would take her life. Confused why she left me. Confused to what have could have been wrong.

"Can I see her" I asked.

The doctor led to way to the room she was in. Her body was getting colorless. I felt her hands. Cold. She wasn't there anymore. I took the ring out from my pocket and slipped it on her finger. It was meant for her. Holding her hand, noticing scars..

I called her family, they came. Just as much woe as me. They were heart broken. I went home. Walking past the restroom that had pills scattered on the floor. And a note.

I picked it up and sat on the edge of the tub.

"Dear Grayson,

When you read this I'll probably be long gone, watching over you. I didn't want to leave without a reason. First, just know I love you, your love was unconditional and the best thing that has happened to me. You were my light to a dark tunnel. I left because I was unhappy. I lived a wonderful life with you, but it had consequences. I have been jumped, threatened, bullied, and almost killed, because I was with you. 1. Don't blame your fans. They are beautiful people but I guess some just didn't  like me. I couldn't wake up every morning to this, you were the person that got me by. I love you, I always will. I found the ring in your coat. I do..

                     Y/n.              "

Gripping the letter, a tear rolled down my cheek. I was angry, I felt my tears stopping and my blood beginning to boil.

I got on Instagram live. Immediately 100k people joined.

"Look, I'm not mad at y'all, just a few. Y/n is gone . GONE. I'll never EVER see her again. Because of what? Because some of you were jealous that she was the girl I LOVED. That's fucking hilarious. Whoever messaged her, threatened her, JUMPED HER , here's a big FUCK YOU, from me, Grayson Dolan. I quit. I quit YouTube. I'm done with this social media bullshit. It obviously drives people to insanity. Bye" I ended the live.

I deleted all social media's. Anger, frustration, disappointment, all filled my head. I got up and punched the wall, leaving a hole.

I stared at the floor in the restroom , picturing me fighting y/n for the pills, cradling her back and fourth, telling myself and her "it's okay" , watching her slowly die in my arms. Calling 911. Seeing them drag this girl on a gurney knowing there's was no chance she'd survive but remained giving me hope.
Pills. The pills on the floor. Looked at me, I looked at them.



Very triggering to write. If anyone feels down please feel free to message me! This is a very serious topic. Nothing to be joked about.

Dolan Twins Imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora