Wonder Why

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I pulled my red hair into a loose ponytail, barely having the energy. Next, I took off my glasses and replaced them with contacts  I blinked a couple times, staring into my blue-green eyes. My eyes wandered to the huge bags under them; 4am was definitely not my daily wake up call. But if I wanted to make it to Uni before supper, I had to leave by 6.
I was starting school at The University of Austin Texas, which just so happened to be ten hours away from where I'm living now. Plus, I had decided not to live in a dorm and instead signed up for a condo with another student. It was through the school, so they'd decided who I'd be splitting rent with.
I'd been placed with a guy named Jonathan Cozart. We'd emailed a bit and he didn't seem too bad. He was already in the condo, and was looking for another roommate since the last had finished their schooling. He had told me that he'd only just started and was half way through his first semester. Of course, he would probably be the one showing me around, since none of my old friends from high school were going to Austin.
I finished getting ready, dressing in black leggings, and oversized knitted sweater. I quickly sent an email to Jon, which was what he said I could call him, and then packed my computer into the car. I had stuffed everything I'd need the other day, and all that was left was my bedding. I put it in a plastic bag and put it on the front seat of my car and I was off.
All I could think now was,
What's next, Alice?


Hai. So this is my new fanfic that I will be writing with my other one (The Unknown). This is just an introductory so it isn't amazing or spectacular. But i promise that the chapters to come will be better.

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constructive criticism will be tolerated but hate won't be.

Let me just explain this real quickly: Her name is Alice.... Just in case the end of this confused you. Okay, please enjoy. If you have any questions just inbox me or comment!

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