Chapter Twenty One: Our Little Family

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All I could do was stare at the ring and question it.
Had this actually happened?
Was I going to marry Jon?
I guess this ring meant yes.
It was kind of strange since we only just told his fans we were dating... And now we're engaged.
That word sounded so much nicer than plain old dating.

I turned my attention to the door when I heard it open and close. Jon walked in and fell onto the couch beside me, bolt running and jumping onto my lap.

"It's. So. Hot," he complained.

"It sounds like a good day for the beach!" I jumped up.

"Or we could just go buy a mini pool and use that," Jon looked up at me.

 "Fine, but only if you drive," I stated.

I placed Bolt on the ground and ran to grab the keys. I threw them at Jon, a small squeal left his lips. I laughed and so did he as he slowly got up.
Once we got back from the store, we rolled the small plastic pool into the backyard.

"I'll get the hose!" Jon ran towards the house.

I placed the pool down, then ran inside to get changed.
I put on a light blue bikini, tied my hair into a pony tail, slathered on sun screen, and placed my glasses on my night stand. I grabbed my sunglasses, which were prescribed so I could see.
I ran back down the stairs, picking up Bolt as I did. I made my way through the kitchen and into the backyard, where Jon had the pool filled with water.

"This feels so nice!" I said as I stepped into the pool.

I placed bolt in the water, letting him explore the small pool. I sat down, nearly taking up the whole thing. Jon sat beside me, and now there was officially no room.
Well, I guess there was still a bunch of room, but it was small.

"Still think this is better than the beach?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but we can make it better!" Jon jumped up, nearly slipping.

"Do tell," I crossed my legs.

"We can set up the sprinkler for a bit, fill up the water balloons we bought, chase Bolt with the hose..." He began to smirk.

"We can do all those things, except chase my puppy prince with the hose," I crossed my arms, dead serious.

"I guess we don't have to chase your puppy prince," he rolled his eyes and laughed.

I stood up, nearly slipping like Jon. And when I say nearly, I mean Jon had to catch me before I smashed my skull on the ground.

"You're so clumsy," he pulled me back up.

"Oh hush," I pretended to shove him away.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled me towards him. He kissed me, holding me close.

"I love you," I whispered against his lips.

"I love you more," he whispered back.

For some odd reason we usually only whisper our 'I love you's'. But that didn't matter, because even though no one else could hear, we could.
And that's all that matters.
After we were done outside, we showered then went to watch a movie. I had changed into pyjama shorts and a tank-top, as well as back into my glasses. Jon wore nothing but his boxers, which was understandable cause it was hot.

"Hey, I have to Skype my parents tonight, tell them about us," he told me.

"Okay, let's do it now?" I questioned.

"You want to tell them too?" He responded with a question.

"Well, I'm going to be their daughter in-law now, so I guess I should," I gave him a quick kiss before standing up.

"Can you bring my computer down, babe?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "fine, but you owe me."

I ran upstairs, grabbing Jon's laptop. I also went and grabbed my pillow, because I just know I'm going to fall asleep.
I made my way down the stairs, careful not to drop the laptop. I handed it to Jon, then sat beside him as he started calling his parents on Skype.
I felt a bit nervous as it started ringing.

What if they actually hated me? What if they don't want Jon to marry me?

"Jon! Alice! How are the two of you?" Jon's mom appeared on the screen.

"Hi mom! We're great actually. I was wondering if you could get dad here too?" He questioned.

"Oh, just a minute!" Jon's mom ran off the screen.

In the background you could hear her yell something at Mr Cozart, then he yelled something back.

"He'll be here in a minute," Mrs Cozart came and sat down.

Jon started chatting with his mom, making subtle hints to her. I snickered when he made a fairly obvious one, and his mom was still clueless.
Finally his father showed up, greeting us both.

"So, why'd you need us both here?" His father asked.

"Be nice!" His mother swatted his arm.

"But the games on..." He mumbled.

"Dad! You don't even watch football, what do you mean the games on?!" Jon questioned.

"It's not football! It's..." He wandered off.

"Les Mis?" Jon asked, smirking.

"Well you could've just pretended I was watching something cool so your girlfriend doesn't think I'm like you!" He spat back.

Jon rolled his eyes, "actually, we wanted to talk to you about that."

Both Jon's parents inched closer to the screen.

"We're," Jon looked at me while holding my hand, "engaged!"

I held my left hand closer to the screen so they could see the ring. His parents freaked out, nearly knocking the computer down.

"We're so happy for you guys!"

I smiled.
They like me! They really did!

Jon leaned over and pulled me in for a hug, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Awe, they love each other," I heard someone else's voice.

"Rick!" Jon laughed, turning towards the screen.

They began to chat, and I said goodbye. I went into the kitchen, popping some popcorn and grabbing us both Dr Peppers.
I brought the cans and bowl into the living room. Jon's computer was closed and he leaned back with a fan blowing on him.
I set the food on the coffee table and sat beside him.

"You know you're the best, right?" He smiled warmly at me.

"I know," I flipped my damp hair over my shoulder.

He rolled his eyes, pulling me closer to him until my head rested on his bare chest. Bolt came and cuddled between us.
It felt like we were a family.
Our little family.


Hey! I know the chapters late.... It wasn' done.

This chapter really sucks and it's just a filler. I have some exciting things planned for upcoming chapters, so keep reading!

Oh, and do any of you read Shannons blog? I loved her post today, it was soooo good!

well, comment, vote, do what you do. Keep on keepin' on.

And like, if you wanna share this fic with your friends.... I'm not stopping you!

haha okay but for reals, have a good week and I hope I have a good chapter next week. Not whatever this mess this chapter was.

OH! And I was watching this Dand and Phil interview and they said they read fanfics written about them.... So like... I think I'd be really embarrassed if Jon read mine, but at the same time I'd be sort of excited... Idk

Anyway... Thank you for reading, I love you guys! and Ignore my terrible grammar and spelling.


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