Prologe (drumline)

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I love music, I've been involved in it my entire life. I'm in band and I play percussion, for those of you who don't know what that is, it's the people that play the drums behind the band and occasionally play the triangle. In high school it's required that if you want to be in a specific band you have to be in marching band. So here I am in June, getting ready to go to my first day of summer band camp. I walk into the school and find the band room. I'm the first one there and very confused on what in the fuck I'm supposed to be doing, so I sit in a random chair and wait. The first person to walk in is Dan. Dan went to the same elementary and middle school as me, so at least I knew someone even though we weren't that close. Dan also sits in a random chair and complete silence washes over the band room.
~ 5 minutes of me dying inside later
Everyone one else in the drumline files in and the the teacher Mr. Dutch tells us all to gather and introduce are selves. As I'm walking to the circle of dudes. All of a sudden bitchy looking girl starts coming towards me and internally I'm getting ready to be made fun of or to be publicly disgraced. She opens her mouth to insult me and she says
???: "I really like your shirt!"
I look down and remember that I'm wearing a panic at the disco! shirt and immediately know she is a good person.
Rose: "thanks"
I notice she is wearing a different panic at the disco shirt and say
Rose: "you too"
The teacher interrupts and we all stand in a circle to introduce are selves I found out that the girl's name is Niamh. I know complicated it's pronounced NEEV. So to introduce everyone other than Dan and Niamh there is Anton, Chris, CJ, PJ,Eric, Timothy, and Isaac. Mr. Dutch handed out music and gave us time to practice while practicing Isaac pushed Chris against the wall. I should probably mention the fact that Isaac is half the size of Chris. I thought that shit was gonna go down and oh how it did but in a completely different way. Isaac started to fake force a kiss on Chris and said
Isaac: "Oh you like that don't you uuuugh yeah"
What in the actual fuck is happening?!
Chris: "mhmm daddy ... uuugh".
What. The. Fuck.
The others start to laugh and so do Chris and Isaac. Niamh and I just stare at each other in awe of what just happened.
Rose: "Ah Shit! I knew high school was weird but I didn't sign up for this."

Author: and little did I know this was just the start.

So I know it's cringe but this is just to give you a back story. This story is more of a compilation of funny shit that has happen to me but each skit will have a full ending and you won't be left hanging. If you don't like how I write I respect that and you can stop reading now.😁✌️👋

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