Chapter 1

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Bam 💢Bam 💢Bam💢

Chyanna wakes up ta the bammin of the door she gets out of the bed half dressed and half woke

Chyanna: damn a bitch cant get no sleep (she stops in the middle of the hallway of here mothers apartment )

Chyanna Mom(Teresa): Gary i told you i would have the money just give me another week i promise

Gary: Teresa i don't give a fuck I'm kicking y'all asses out u have 48 hours to vacate the this damn apartment

Teresa:(strung out on crack) where we gonna go Gary we have no where to go

Gary: I don't give a fuck where y'all go ik y'all betta be out of here in to days

Teresa: (slams the door) FUCK!!!!

Chyanna walks back to here room hears her mom comin down the hall slams and locks her door cuz she know her mom comin to steal somthin ta pay for drugs with

Teresa: open the door baby i wanna tlk

Chyanna: say wat u have ta say outside the door

Teresa: baby jus open the door

Chyanna: no!!!!

Teresa: do you still have the necklace that grand ma gave u?

Chyanna: y u wanna know u not gonna get it

Teresa: Fuck You!!!!!

Chyanna: damn i need ta get the fuck out of here ik wat i need ta do cus i ain't gone end up lik u

Teresa: idgaf get the fuck out i don't need u here u waste of space

Chyanna packs her stuff and walks out

Chyanna: damn i ain't think this shit thru i need some where ta crash but before she picks up the phone ta call some one she remember that her phone has been cut off

Chyanna: i have nothin and nobody fuck mi life

She thinks about the strip club she pasts every day she went to school its called King Of Diamond she walks to the bus stop and catches the bus that goes to Los Angeles. she get out the bus and sees a sign in front of the door and walks in

Chyanna: ummm Hi i seen a sign in front of ur door sayin dancers wanted

Club Owner(Dana): yea yea u will be perfect for it get on the pole i wanna see if u can dance lik a stripper

Chyanna:ummm sure ok

The song Studio by Schoolboy Q comes on

Other strippers :damn lil mama got skills

Dana: stfu and go get ready for the afternoon shift yall need ta make some money. Umm you up there stop ur in. Go to the back and try some of them clothes out

Chyanna: (hugs dana ) omg thank u so much i wont let u down

Dana: df get off me hoe i don't do hugs now go get dressed cuz time is money.....

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