Love bites ( Dwake Halloween Edition )

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The rumbling of the storm clouds above, reminded Dwight how crummy his situation was. The mud that caked his shoes was an insult to him. Finding in his glasses in a patch of mud, was a bonus to his already horrible day. Then the rain started to sprinkle down. All Dwight did was look up into the sky, as drops of rain hit his cheeks. Soon, the drops of rain turned into a shower.

Dwight's workplace decided to host a team building exercise for all workers. It was mandatory, so Dwight had no choice but to tag along. He wasn't sure what to expect of this exercise. He at least thought it would be indoors. Turns out his boss had other plans, as he led the group into the woods. It was supposed to be a night in the woods, perfect for team bonding. Even then, Dwight felt like an outcast.

Dwight sat by himself, sitting on a tree stump. He was listening in to the conversations his coworkers shared. He wanted to contribute to the chat, but the words were stuck in his throat. Although the team building exercise was supposed to be bringing the coworkers together, they all ignored Dwight. They all treated him as if he was air. Like he was the younger brother you were forced to bring along to places by your mother.

Dwight was no stranger to this treatment. He went through life as if he were invisible. From kindergarten to graduating high school. No one wanted to play tag with him. When they played hide and seek with him, the kids would make him hide as to not disturb them for the rest of the recess. Nobody invited him to sit at their lunch table. Everyone collectively groaned when forced to pair up with Dwight, because he was left alone without a partner. Dwight knew this life very well. So, he didn't take much offense, when they didn't include him in their chats.

Nothing was happening now. Everyone was sitting around the campfire, engulfed in their own conversation. That was until Dwight's boss started handing other drinks to everyone. It was his family's recipe moonshine. Everyone seemed to perk up at the mention of alcohol. Everyone started passing around the moonshine, each person filling their own cups.

Dwight was lost in his thoughts, it took him a while to notice that someone was handing him a cup. He looked up at his boss, Markus, who was holding a cup filled with the spirits. Markus grinned.

"You can drink right Fairfield?" He asked, not waiting for response as he forced the cup into Dwight's hand. Dwight fumbled a little as the cup was forced into his hand, and he tried to prevent it from spilling. He looked up at Markus with a frown.

"Actually sir, I'm not old enough-." Dwight was cut off with a dismissive wave of Markus's hand.

"There's no bloody pigs out here. Drink up kid." Markus barked. It sounded like an order. The man knew how to be intimidating at times. Its unnerved Dwight sometimes.

To avoid his intimidating boss from coming back, Dwight took a hesitant sip of the moonshine. His face immediately scrunched up at the taste. The vile liquid burned down his throat and left a nasty aftertaste in his mouth. He covered his mouth with his elbow and went into a coughing fit. He felt the judging eyes of his coworkers on him. Some snickered at him. Look at the pathetic loser who can't even handle liquor...

Dwight's cheeks burned red from embarrassment. He retracted from his elbow and started to twiddle with his thumbs. The night went on and took about two more sips of the moonshine. It burned something awful, but it'll get everyone off his back. It wasn't long before the buzz of the alcohol to hit him. Dwight's surroundings started to blur. He started to see three of everything. He slowly looked down at his solo cup. What the hell was in this thing?

Dwight didn't think much about it, as he very quickly met the ground with a thud. Nobody got up from their seats to check on Dwight. Instead, they laughed. The laughter echoed throughout the woods, each laugh drilling into Dwight's head. Why was everything so loud? White flashes invaded Dwight's eyesight. He shut them quickly, to avoid the cameras stunning him again. When his eyes closed, he couldn't open them again. They stayed glued shut. The darkness enveloped him like a blanket.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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