Warfare: Bloodbath

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Year 2050. The world was near extinction when my three times great grandmother was fifteen. The world had suffered too much carnage in the hands of men. The world too polluted with greed, selfishness, lust and much more. It was bound to happen. Wars between countries with their supporters and other countries. These wars had torn the world into one gigantic massacre. Mega Countries were also affected. But no war was as chaotic or destructive as the Global Holocaust.

The Global Holocaust was the biggest war known to mankind. It was said that all countries participated in the war. The main weapons used were...nuclear. The outcome was beyond repair. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed on impact by just one nuclear missile. But that was only one, humans weren't that merciful. Multiple missiles descended from the sky, like angels of death bringing the demise of countless lives.

The results were devastating. Ninety-eight percent of the world's population were terminated during the duration of the war. About point eight percent of the remaining population were juvenile orphans, living in shelters and secret hideouts. One percent were children and their parents. Point two percent were the last surviving adults.

The surviving adults tried to uphold the morality that was lost due to the war. The teens rebelled against them. Fearing that if the adults were to take over again, that humans would truly cease to exist. The rebel teens referred to themselves as "United Insurgents". The adults tried to fend off the United Insurgents, but the massive forces of the UI quickly overwhelmed them. The adults were forced to surrender or face execution.

Approximately 50 percent of all surviving humans under twenty two fled to what once known as upper cities of North America. The other 50 percent resided in the southern part of North America. North America being one of the Mega Countries fared better than most countries. But North America was vacant when it came to population.

In the northern part of North America pandemonium quickly ensued, striking fear in the exhausted hearts of the traumatized adolescents. They were just kids. Too broken, minds dazed with the horror that had imprisoned for their whole lives. Without a leader to manage the situation. Without a brave soul to reassure the lost children . Without an authoritative figure to establish fair laws and regulations, the UI rapidly succumbed to depression.

Until my three times great grandmother's best friend finally took charge. His name was Alexander. He was three years older than her. He was the hero of the United Insurgents.

Alexander was that one voice, that one single, struggling spark against a tsunami of discouraged mutes. He established the laws that brought the community of kids together in harmony. He spoke of of rebuilding the human race as it should be. Alexander struck a match and the UI roared to life, like a ferocious forest fire, feral and determined.

My great-great-great grandmother, Lonia, was the calm waters to Alexanders fierce fire. Alexander might have been the glue that held the UI together, but Lonia was the force that tamed Alexander. Together, Alexander and Lonia, were the leading revolutionists. They called our new home...Pangaea and Dalkia. Symbolizing the strength of of living together in a home. Alexander and Lonia were not intimate. No one knows why. They seemed perfect for each other. But it turns out, fate had different paths for them.

Now 200 years later, the world is anew. We have endured through the night, and like phoenixes rising from the ashes, we have risen like the sun. Peace cannot exist without Chaos, it was just that Peace overpowered Chaos. But Peace has always been poisoned by the shadowy presence of Chaos. A storm is brewing. A war even more disastrous than the Global Holocaust is raging.

Life is as fragile as flowers. And just as beautiful and fascinating. And carnivorous and poisonous. The bright colors a disguise to hide the ugliness. But like everything it withers and dies.

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