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Nandini is ninth month pregnant, Manik's mothers declared baby shower, everyone are in hurry. All are in collection of gifts for Nandini's baby.

Today when everyone are at puja room, Hema entered, she dressed in green saree with total golden jewellery. Seeing her everyone are shocked. Manik got angry. He is about to shout on her. King spoke "Hema!!! Your punishment completed?"
"Ji Hukum sa!!!!" Hema replied.
All paused. Then completed puja. Manik is worried about Nandini.

Manik knew Hema from childhood, he knows her character, she doesn't leave anyone, specially when they are the cause of her distraction. Her body language and her calmness is giving Manik more negative vibes.

Nandini is in different zone, he is worried about king. According to her calculations she found it is very difficult stage for king. She want to make things better but she knows she can't still she want to try.

When puja finished, Hema walked away silently which surprised everyone more. Manik frowned a little. Nandini is in her own thinking. She want this month to go smoothly.

After puja Manik took permission of king and started to go to near country. It is Rajkot. The king of Rajkot is a humble person, he has a son who is just 9years old, Manik want his daughter elder one to get married to him. So today being an aspiscious day he decided to travel to Rajkot and ask for marriage alliance.

Nandini is heavy with her fully grown baby bump, she is unable to sit or walk, now a days she is only sleeping or walking slightly. Even she is have little little amount of food every one hour. A diama is been appointed to her, dasis are roaming all around her.

Manik's mothers are taking care of Nandini. Everyone in mahal are helping her. Nandini is knitting when ever she is feeling better. She already knitted two sweaters, now she is completing shawls for babies.

Manik came late night with good news. Rajkot king accepted for marriage alliance. They even requested Manik to make this marriage happen as early as possible. King even agreed  for joining Manik in two days for discussion about marriage rituals.

Manik directly walked to king's room and gave him this good news. King is excited he granted Manik with a brand new horse for him. Manik accepted with happiness. Manik's mothers too showered their happiness. Hema was called and informed she is totally happy.

Manik came to his room and found Nandini sleeping, he so wanted to tell her this news but seeing her sleeping so peacefully he didn't wake her up. Manik enquired about her food, and healthy when he got information that she is doing well he relaxed and got freshen up took dinner and slept besides her not disturbing her.

Next morning Hema is full excited and is making whole mahal hustle bustle with arrangements, she is taking care each and every small details of decoration food arrangements gifts what not everything.

Manik when woke up, he called Nandini and informed about his daughter's marriage, he is happy. Nandini too felt happy but she is not in situation that she can help him. Manik hugged happily and asked her to get ready to meet Rajkot king family. She nodded.

When Rajkot king arrived along with family Manik and Hema cordially invited them, when they entered king along with his three wives invited them in, three Raj Purohits where called to see kundalis and make an arrangements of marriage date.

King introduced everyone to Rajkot king and his five wives. Hema took them inside to ladies section where Manik's all wives and mothers are sitting.

Pandits are given kundalis and they started reading it and discussing them. Where as Manik and king started talking Rajkot king about politics and many random things.

After an hour of through discussion and calculations, Purohit said "Rajaji!!! Both vadhu and var has best compatibility, they will make good couple, they will have four children in them three sons are for sure, according to their kundalis marriage day is in fifteen days, they have best muhurath if not we have to wait for an year."
"No no we will do it in fifteen days" Rajkot king said
Manik and king looked at each other and with eyes they spoke and then agreed for it. Then ladies are been informed all hugged each other with happiness. Sweets are been distributed everyone are happy.

Pandit came to Manik Signal him to talk with him personally Manik frowned and took him to other room
"Kshama Yuvaraj!!! But thing is it's important to inform some thing"
"It's Ok pandit ji say it" Manik said
"Yuvaraj till rajkumari marriage you should be performing bhramacharyam and Choti rani is with two kids so she can't attend any rituals of marriage as she is heavy with nine months if not this marriage may leads to so many problems" pandit spoke with fear
Manik frowned and kept silent he is angry but he know he can't do anything. Manik nodded "anything more?"
"Yuvaraj if you can, supply bhramin with cows which can help this marriage happen smoothly"
Manik nodded both came to hall.

Manik ordered his minister to bring hundred cows so that they can donate them to bhramins, king hugged him happily. After that all discussed about rituals, kanya shulk, even Manik declared that he will gift his jamai sa with two villages, fifty horses, ten elephants, hundred thulas diamonds and gold. King declared to give them more two villages as his gift all agreed and hugged each other.

After meeting Manik's daughter and talking to her Rajkot king and his family returned back gifting her so many things in happiness as ashirwad. Everyone are happy. Hema is excited. King sent men to inform Hema family about marriage. Manik is little worried about Nandini.

Manik want to spent more time with her, but as it is marriage he will not get much time and here pandit said that she can't attend any rituals which made Manik more worried. Inspite of all Hema family is coming, knowing them very well and Hema being hema her target will be always to aim Nandini she will fill her brother and father ears with all dirt for Nandini which made Manik worried most.

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