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1 - Naked Cuddling

"Keith~" Lance whined.

"What?" Keith growled, a 'bit' annoyed of his boyfriends whining.

"Movie?" Lance asked.

"No. And how would we even watch a movie?" Keith asked.

"Pidge." Lance simply answered.

"Guess that's a valid answer." Keith said, before returning to wiping his blade.

"Come on. You've been wiping that blade for a while now. You haven't been paying any attention to me. It's almost bed time so let's spent that little time we have left watching a freaking movie!" Lance tried.

"....mmmmmm....Fine." Keith agrees with a sigh.

Lance cheers and get up quickly grabbing (more like stealing) Pidge's laptop.

"Won't Pidge know that we stole her laptop?" Keith asked.

"Nah. She's showering and you know she takes a long ass time. And besides movies are only like an hour or two long." Lance replied.

Keith shrugged grabbing some blankets and sitting on the bed.

"Well, since you have been ignoring me and wiping that blade of yours, I think it's only right I chose and decide everything for the remainder of the time we have until bedtime." Lance said.

"What? No way!" Keith angrily replied.

"Yes way."






"Fine." Keith finally gave up.

Lance cheered once again and looked through Pidge's laptop for a movie he would like to watch or hasn't watched yet.

"Alright! Movie is picked now. Move over Keith."

Keith moved over to the other side of the bed and Lance started to climb on before stoping in his tracks.

"Actually..my first and last decision will be that you have to take off your clothes." Lance said.

"What! That's unreasonable! And you know I don't feel comfortable with my clothes off."

"Your complaining won't change my mind." Lance said.

"I'm not doing it Lance." Keith said in a stern tone.

"Yes you are Keith." Lance replied with the same tone.

"No! I don't wanna and you can't make me." Keith said.

"Welp looks like you loose the privilege of wearing my jacket. Even though you look adorable in it." Lance said.

Keith opened his mouth before closing it. His cheeks flushing with a bright red tint. He slowly took off his red jacket and throwing it on the ground and soon took his shirt off.

"There happy?" Keith said.

"Mm..everything." Lance said.


"I said everything."


"Jacket." Lance said.

"No, Lance I don't wanna!" Keith angrily said.

"And no kisses."

"Is all this really worth it Keith?" Keith asked himself.

Lance waited before Keith groaned loudly and his already flushed cheeks grew darker and spread farther.
Keith took off his boot then belt and pants.


"What part of everything do you not understand?" Lance asked.

They argued for a while going back and forth with "Yes" and "No" before Keith finally gave up and took his boxers off along with his socks. He quickly covered himself with a blanket and soon Lance joined him after stripping himself clean of clothes. He hopped in bed with Keith before starting the movie.

Halfway into the movie Keith and Lance got closer. Soon enough Keith was laying on Lances chest and their hands where intertwined and Lances other arm was wrapped around Keith's waist.

Soon the movie was over and Lance closed the laptop. He put the laptop on the floor and they moved so they were more comfortable in bed.

They didn't care that they were sleeping naked. It didn't bother Keith anymore.

Keith wrapped his arms around Lances back holding him closely. Lance also held onto Keith's waist. Their legs were tangled and they held onto each other lovingly before falling fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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