P r o l o g u e

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As she sat on her bed in the dark house, she heard stumbling coming up the stairs. Emily silently prayed that he wouldn't come into her room and force her to do something she knew she'd regret.

For the past two years, Lloyd Warryn had tortured her in the most unthinkable and horrific ways possible. He was a drunk bastard who cared about none other than himself.

But that was the day that she escaped all this pain and regret. That was the day she would run away. She had decided that she's had enough of him and being treated like some kind of slave.

So, to achieve her plan, she had to use some of the little money she'd managed to hide from her uncle and fled to where she knew he wouldn't find her, where she would be safe, at least for a while.

At last she was ready to leave her bad memories behind and start a new chapter in her life.

A loud noise interrupted her train of thought, and she realized that it was her uncle snoring.  Finally, her chance to get out of this house had arrived.

With everything already packed, she only needed to change and run a comb through her wavy, shoulder-length hair.

After putting on dark jeans and a burgundy sweater with matching Sneakers, she was ready to go.

It's a warm summer morning. Two little children, a boy and a girl, of about 6 and 7, are standing hands intertwined, facing each other in front of a big oak tree.

On this day, they've decided to have their own little make-believe "wedding", with Bongo the Labrador as the priest.  They are about to say their vows when suddenly the little boy exclaims "The ring!"

The girl, Emily, has one of her mother's white dresses wrapped around her own tiny body, dirty from muddy hands being wiped clean on it, multiple times.

The boy, Christian, with his father's black suit jacket, seems to be tying a ring with a piece of long, green grass from the meadow they are standing in.

After a while, he ties it all together and proceeds to stick the ring on Emily's finger.

"Do you, Emily Jean Clifford, promise me, Christian Alexander Garner that we will forever be friends, no matter what the world may come to?"

The girl takes a while to answer, as if thinking it over, but when she does, it comes out as clear as the clearest crystal.

"I do..."


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