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1|After all these years

She must have fallen asleep in the taxi that would take her to the Garner residence, because when she woke up, they were facing the gate.

Quickly, she gathered all her belongings and thanked the man who drove her all the way from the airport, giving him the last of her money before getting out of the big yellow taxi.

Standing in front of his house after all those years, nostalgic memories ran through her head, burning like a wild fire.

How did she get there? Why did she come there?

She knew she had to go in one way or another, she couldn't just stand in front of the gate all day. As much as she wanted to.

Before she could take another step, however, she noticed a tall and slender figure making their way towards her. Rose! She thought, excited to finally see a familiar face after everything.

Just then, the woman looked up and saw her standing there, waiting. Her brows furrowed in confusion, before her face lit up, causing dimples to appear on her rosy cheeks as she smiled brightly and started running toward the enormous gate.

"Emily! Oh Emily... you've grown up so much! I almost didn't recognize you, it's been so long. How are you? Come in, Come in!" As Rose said that, she enveloped Emily in her warm embrace, hugging the life out of her. Emily did not mind however, for she missed the feeling of someone who cared.

Rosalie kept on babbling and didn't even give Emily a chance to speak before they reached the front porch.

"Rose!  I know... I'm sorry I just showed up at your house without warning... But- well, it's complicated. I'm really quite alright now, I think, just a bit tired. How are you?" Emily replied just as excitedly as she possibly could.

"Fine, we're all just fine. Splendid actually, -now that you're here- but come on in, I'm sure there'll be quite a few people who would be delighted to see you! I'll ask Marie to make up your old room, I take it you'll be staying a while?"

"Yes. I hope you don't mind me barging in here so unexpectedly, I promise I'll explain everything later. I do owe you an explanation after all..."

"Oh, don't worry about it too much now, dear." Rose answered. As they made their way through the foyer and into the living room, they didn't notice someone watching them from upstairs. Until that specific being came sprinting down the stairs and right into Emily's arms.

"Emily. Jean. Clifford. You come in here after almost five years and you don't even tell me? What kind of 'big sister' are you?"

"Ana! I'm pretty certain you would've found out even before I got the chance to enlighten you with my presence." Emily, out of breath from the "enormous" weight that is Anastasia, laughed out loud for the first time in what seemed like years.

"I've missed you soooo much! What took you so long?" Anastasia's face was flushed light-pink with excitement as she rolled up and down on the balls of her feet in pure thrill.


"Emily! What are you doing here? When did you get here? Are you hurt? Is there anything we can do for you? Do you need help?" Raymond.
He was always the one worrying about her, much like her father when he was alive-- No wonder they were best friends.

"Uncle Ray..." As she whispered that, she ran into his embrace, burying her head in his chest as he hugged her in a way only a father can. "I've missed you! I'm sorry to have barged in here like this, I just thought- "

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